Logo's doesn't start shows splash screen for instant

Ken Lake
Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
I am not able to get my logos 8 to start up. I see the splash screen for an instant and then nothing else. I have rebooted pc (Windows 10 pro), went to everywhere I could think of to start it. (push buttons, menu etc.) Anyone else experience this and is there a work around. Thanks
Hi Ken - and welcome to the forums
Sorry you are having problems
Please have a look at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008044592-What-to-do-if-Logos-Crashes-Windows and see if any of the suggestions there help.
If not, please enable diagnostic logging and post logs after Logos fails to start. Details at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027869132-How-to-Enable-and-Submit-Log-Files