A question for advice about Notes

Member Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Note question....

So I printed out my notes in WS... lots and lots, threw them into a file and the re-organized them to analyze them....  And I am now putting them into Logos Notes.

Should I have one huge Notes file with tags (tags for subject or classification or category, i.e. HS for Holy Spirit, etc., on every note and then just search the tags for the notes I want such as HS.   or should I put each subject or category or classification in a separate notebook and still use tags?  What advice can you give? Thanks.

xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!



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  • Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    Two schools of thought on this, well, actually three...

    Faithlife has committed to porting over the notes you had in Wordsearch, so you can just wait and see what they do and then tag appropriately.

    The more notebooks you create, the slower the system works, so many have said on these forums that they only create notebooks for special projects, not for Bible books, resources, etc., since all that is available to search through the facets.  In that instance, you would just create individual notes without putting them in a notebook and tag them so you can find them again. However, you cannot turn off the notes and highlights visual filters in your Bibles with individual notes.  That is where a notebook comes in handy.

    If you do not want to see all your notes in your Bible every time you open it, using notebooks, allows you to determine which notes you want to see by adjusting your visual filters. This can create less clutter in your Bibles.  I also use it for special studies, answers to study questions, Study Bibles I am digitizing that Logos does not offer, An email magazine I get weekly, etc.

    Even if you use notebooks, I would tag your notes, that way you can find them in whatever notebook they are in. That is what I do. I keep notebooks and tag, and that makes it easy to find my notes whenever I want them. I can also turn off all but say one of my notebooks in visual filters or I can have them all on, whichever makes sense for what I am studying. I am studying prayer right now and I could have prayer notes in several different notebooks, so having the tag will help me find all my notes on that subject easily, no matter which resource, Bible book or project they landed in.

    Just some things to think about. Ultimately, the decision is yours on what best fits your workflow. I would take a few and experiment. If you delete a notebook, you will not lose the notes. Create a few and sort them in notebooks and play with them, then tag them and delete the notebooks, check out how it all works in your Bible and turn on and off visual filters and determine what works best for you.

    Both MP seminars and LearnLogos offer extensive notes training and can give you much better practical advice than I can. I have learned a lot from watching both.


  • Member Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Carla....  One more question....

    You say "The more notebooks you create, the slower the system works..."  Having a basic understanding of how Logos works....  wouldn't more ram memory help that issue?  Say a guy like me having 64 gig ram.... should make even lots of notebooks work pleasantly fast?

    Also, my notes are special to me..... I printed them to a file .... then deleted them in WS... I trust me more than anyone. No offense meant. 

    Thanks again.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭

    If you do not want to see all your notes in your Bible every time you open it, using notebooks, allows you to determine which notes you want to see by adjusting your visual filters.

    For this reason alone I would recommend always using notebooks.  Highlights in paricular should be assigned to a notebook so you can easily control when you display them and when you don't. You might study a passage as an indepedent indcutive study but then later study it as part of a bible study at church and not want to have two different sets of highlights displaying at the same time.  using a notebook for each set of highlights will give you control over which set displalys.


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