Importing citation refrences into EndNoteX9Mac version using LOGOS8 : Can anyone PLEASE offer guid

Dear LOGOS community,
Need your help and advice on how to integrate LOGOS 8 with EndNoteX9
Background: In medicine a substantial majority of seasoned academicians & full professors at major medical universities around the world prefer to use EndNote. (it's been pretty much the standard for more than 20 years because it is fantastic for article citation/reference management- especially when many articles are cited (and for a host of other user valued reasons. e.g., it's the standard at Duke, etc etc...) Experientially, in the medical sciences (when using PubMed or any of the large database systems or google scholar, etc it is an easy cinch with EndNoteX9 for Mac (or any EndNote version for that matter), however this is problematic with LOGOS for me at this time.
Here's my Problem: I am new LOGOS 8 user and have aquired a very large LOGOS library as I have just embarked upon part time graduate christian graduate studies work which requires Turabian footnotes and works cited formats for the required humanities style Papers. Regrettably, however, there is no immediate 'real solution' help that has been successfully offered yet from several of the kind customer service Logos help folks that I have reached out to [with regard to importing citations directly into EndNote from LOGOS 8].
Please appreciate that EndNote is one of (and arguably the best) reference-citation manager systems used worldwide in academic medicine. [We all love it because- It's easy. It's intuitive. It just works. You don't need manuals. Their support and track record is unsurpassed in the market. It's worth it!!] But, apparently LOGOS does not appear to have an easy to use reference/citation export function to go directly to an outside reference management system such as EndNote. I pray and hope you have some valuable and needed feedback. There needs to be a solution IMHO.Can anyone please please please advise?
Most Grateful if anyone can help!
Your humble colleague and Stumped Professor
Welcome to the Forums. Logos is not designed to integrate with external note systems ... there are people who use Citavi and other academic software for writing, citations, and even notes. Each finds their own way to integrate the multiple software into their work patterns in Logos/Verbum.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."