Transitioning to the Sermon Builder -- Your Experience?

I've been using Logos primarily as a reading / researching tool so far.
In the process of upgrading to Logos 9, I watched videos of the Sermon Editor/Builder and Sermon Manager.
For anyone who has been preaching/teaching for a number of years, we've already gotten into an established pattern / habits of how / where to store our notes, thoughts, ideas. We have things organized a specific way and we know where to find our previous sermons and sermon notes.
So I want to ask here: How have other users been able to transition your original way of preparing / organizing sermons/lessons, to starting to use Logos to take notes (I only highlight in Logos; I keep my notes / clippings outside of Logos), form sermons, prepare PowerPoint, etc?
Just bite the bullet and try it? What was your impetus and process of moving your workflow (I also don't use the Logos 8 workflows yet) gradually or completely toward the Logos toolset?
Any tips or experience to share?
PL said:
I've been using Logos primarily as a reading / researching tool so far.
In the process of upgrading to Logos 9, I watched videos of the Sermon Editor/Builder and Sermon Manager.
For anyone who has been preaching/teaching for a number of years, we've already gotten into an established pattern / habits of how / where to store our notes, thoughts, ideas. We have things organized a specific way and we know where to find our previous sermons and sermon notes.
So I want to ask here: How have other users been able to transition your original way of preparing / organizing sermons/lessons, to starting to use Logos to take notes (I only highlight in Logos; I keep my notes / clippings outside of Logos), form sermons, prepare PowerPoint, etc?
Just bite the bullet and try it? What was your impetus and process of moving your workflow (I also don't use the Logos 8 workflows yet) gradually or completely toward the Logos toolset?
Any tips or experience to share?
I recently came over from Wordsearch so I was already in adaptation mode. So I used to use Microsoft Word for word processing and Wordsearch as primarily reading and copying verses (Zipscript will be missed).
After going through Morris Proctor's training, I settled in to a new method that I love. I still don't use the workflows or guides much as I am not a big user of commentaries and such.
What I do now is to go through the text verse by verse, using "Important Passages", the "Info Panel", and right click word lookup. I do use some dictionaries for background and culture.
From that I make notes in the notes tool, again, verse by verse. When I want to go back and teach the passage I highlight the applicable notes inside the notes tool and then send them to a "New Sermon Doc" from the notes window.
Once I have them in sermon editor I tag what I want on handouts, re-order thing, mark it up and fine-tune it. (Honestly I delete a lot because my personal notes can be huge). Then I export the handout to Microsoft Word for printing and right before I teach I print my own copy of the main document.The export from notes to Sermon Editor has been a game changer for me, reducing my final prep time from a generic "the day before" to an hour or less, which leaves a lot more time for studying (and note taking)
I hope that made since, I'm generally a speaker, not a writer0