Hey, all of your Search experts!

Gregory Lawhorn
Gregory Lawhorn Member Posts: 983 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I want to find every place where God is described as our Father.

<Sense = God ⇔ father> only brings back OT references.

<Person God> INTERSECTS <Sense father> brings back references in both OT and NT. The OT references don't describe God as Father, but the NT Testament references do.

(Before you say it, I realize that I could create two passage lists and combine them - that's not my question).

Is there a way to limit the search range INSIDE the search box itself? I seem to remember seeing something like that a few years ago. 

What I would like to be able to do is combine the two searches:

(<Sense = God ⇔ father>) OR (<Person God> INTERSECTS <Sense father> REGIONORWHATEVER New Testament)

So that the first phrase matches the entire Bible and the second phrase only matches the NT. 

Please don't tell me it doesn't make sense. Humor me. 

