Quick searches at Bible Study This Morning

I love to use v3 during our Sunday/Wednesday Bible classes. The last couple weeks I have used v4B3 and this morning - during class I was asked to look up a passage. Typically, I have the answer for the question in about 2-5 seconds. The simple search I needed was "seven spirits". It took well over 10 seconds (don't remember what the exact time was....more focused on the study). When the teacher asked for it I didn't have the answer and asked him to move on with class. That was frustrating. In v3 it took less than 2 seconds.
For these simple type searches v4 is just simply not cutting it when I am in need of simple search results.
Mitch Davis said:
The simple search I needed was "seven spirits". It took well over 10 seconds (don't remember what the exact time was....more focused on the study).
Hi Mitch.
I'm curious about how you went about doing the search in Logos4. I just typed {bible search "seven spirits"} in the command bar and had results in less than a second (0.55 sec according to the results dialog), Rev 1.4; 3.1; 4.5 and 5.6 (in the ESV). Are you including time opening dialogs, clicking and typing?
I'm finding that if I want to do a concordance-style search for something quickly, the command bar is my friend. The "Search" and "Bible Search" commands do a lot of legwork, and since I touch-type anyway, it's pretty easy.
I'm not questioning the times; I'm just curious how you went about searching in v4, and if a different method (command bar) would help minimize the time it takes from question to search result.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0 -
Hey Rick,
I just did the same search and it was easier for me to search my 5 favorite english bibles in a basic search; that kept the hit list short
I was wondering; is there a command like Search ESV for "Seven Spirits" that can be done right from the command bar?
or something like that; I'm a touch typist too and it's much faster for me to type that than to grab the mouse.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Hey Rick/Mitch,
I ran a similar search on NKJV four times and had search times from 2:13 sec to 2.60 secs, which I don't consider too bad. Rick, I'd love to know what your system was, but I suspect a newer system that is a tad more robust than mine. But a less than 3 sec search works for me.
Mitch not sure what happened to your search.
In Christ,
Lenovo Yoga 7 15ITL5 Touch Screen; 11th Gen Intel i7 2.8Ghz; 12Gb RAM; 500Gb SDD;WIN 11
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It also helps to keep a short cut on your tool bar "my 5 favorite English Bibles" in a basic search...that way this kind of thing is ready to go...one click and your typing in the search terms.
PS: from the time I clicked the search icon, typed in the search query and hit "enter" until the results was finished was just under 5 seconds with the actual search being .15 seconds.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Rick Brannan said:
I'm curious about how you went about doing the search in Logos4.
I happen to already have it in the "New Testament" for the NASB. I typed in "seven spirits" (without quotes).
This morning: not timed but well over 10 seconds
Just now:
- First try: 18 seconds
- Second try: 7.7 seconds
- Third try: 11.56 seconds (screenshot)
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Rick Brannan said:
I just typed {bible search "seven spirits"} in the command bar and had results in less than a second (0.55 sec according to the results dialog), Rev 1.4; 3.1; 4.5 and 5.6 (in the ESV).
I run this search from command bar and get this Your hits from Rev in 1.03 sec (right window). Then I run a bible search from search-dialog and get ten hits in 0.72 sec (left window). Same dialog show up but difference in hits.
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Kenneth Shawver said:
Rick, I'd love to know what your system was, but I suspect a newer system that is a tad more robust than mine.
At home (where I ran the search) I have an HP that's just over a year old. Vista Home Premium SP2 (64bit), 4GB RAM, "AMD Phenom(tm) 8400 Triple-Core Processor 2.10 GHz". But I'm not a hardware guy at all so I can't tell you much about the processor or anything else (type/speed of drive, for instance); I literally just bought the box at Costco that seemed reasonably priced with 4gigs of RAM.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0 -
EbbeAndréasson said:
Same dialog show up but difference in hits.
The dialog on the left searches for where "seven" and "spirits" occur in the same verse; the one on right is restricted to the term/phrase "seven spirits"; hence the difference. My guess is the hits would match if you typed "seven spirits" (including quotes) in the left dialog, or "bible search seven spirits" (no quotes) in the right dialog.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0 -
Rick Brannan said:
My guess is the hits would match if you typed "seven spirits" (including quotes) in the left dialog, or "bible search seven spirits" (no quotes) in the right dialog.
You guess right! Including quotes give four hits.
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Mitch Davis said:
The last couple weeks I have used v4B3 and this morning
I was at a meeting yesterday and decided not to use L4 because of the NDA. Is it acceptable to do something like this under the agreement? My congregation is completely clueless when it comes to Logos. Most are still working on learning what a monitor is.
The place where I was using L4 and started having thoughts on these lines was at a public coffee shop. Because its un-secure I wasn't sure about using L4 as you never know who's snooping. Had the same thoughts about these forums in public venues.
Am I just being paranoid?
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Here is the search; with a typing mistake and all...it was pretty quick. I had to use the actual search dialogue because I had scrunched my window small to make the movie small so the search icon wasn't visible.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Mitch Davis said:
I happen to already have it in the "New Testament" for the NASB. I typed in "seven spirits" (without quotes).
Thanks, Mitch.
Bradley may have more info, but as I recall there was something mentioned earlier on the forums about how restricting a search range (e.g. from "All Passages" to "New Testament") might actually increase search times. I just did the same search you described with the range set to "New Testament" and had similar results: 25 results in 10 verses (4.98 sec).
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0 -
hi everybody
I have not done much experimenting with searches so I tried to search for seven spirits
as this looks interesting I was very surprised to search results seem to be very fast the first test I use the simple search tool and searched the whole of my library please see image
I then tried another search using Bible as one of the choices from the toolbar
it seems I have got no top Bibles my question is how do I promote some of the Bibles into this category?
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I believe that they are chosen on the basis of "priority" right?
Prioritize at least 5 English bibles to the top of the list and see what that does.
I use collections only because I'd like to control WHERE the results come from.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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thanks for the info will try and make a collection first
then try the priority
I've done another search exactly as the same as the previous settings and then I set my antivirus program to exclude Libronix 4
it increased the search speed to 1.04 seconds
previous search speed 1.84 seconds
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Mitch Davis said:
I happen to already have it in the "New Testament" for the NASB. I typed in "seven spirits" (without quotes).
My time for your search was 3.27 sec. But I realised you must have been searching with "Match all Word Forms" ticked.
If you untick the option (equivalent to nostem in v3) the results are fewer and faster --> 19 in 1.7 sec.
Searching for the phrase "seven spirits" took 1.5 sec for the 4 results.
But the fastest search is a Basic Search for:
bible:"seven spirits"
in NASB95 bible (0.02 sec). Same results as Bible Search because I'm using the bible search field (same as v3).A search of Entire Library or a Collection of English bibles takes a little longer (0.65 sec) + extra display time for 25+ bibles.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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it would be nice to be able to do this:
search NASB bible:"seven spirits"
and get hits from only the nasb
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Philip Spitzer said:Mitch Davis said:
The last couple weeks I have used v4B3 and this morning
I was at a meeting yesterday and decided not to use L4 because of the NDA.
Hmmmm, never thought I was breaking the NDA because nobody knows that I'm using "Logos 4 Beta" so I don't know where the breach would be. Please accept my apology if this is a breach of the NDA and I will discontinue this public usage. My thought was to use it in as many scenarios as realistically possible.
http://www.franklinchurchofchrist.com0 -
Rick Brannan said:
I'm finding that if I want to do a concordance-style search for something quickly, the command bar is my friend.
I agree. I have been playing with the command bar but having to do a trial and error with what works and what doesn't....in each Beta release. I still don't have a consistent feel for its usage.
http://www.franklinchurchofchrist.com0 -
Mitch Davis said:Philip Spitzer said:Mitch Davis said:
The last couple weeks I have used v4B3 and this morning
I was at a meeting yesterday and decided not to use L4 because of the NDA.
Hmmmm, never thought I was breaking the NDA because nobody knows that I'm using "Logos 4 Beta" so I don't know where the breach would be. Please accept my apology if this is a breach of the NDA and I will discontinue this public usage. My thought was to use it in as many scenarios as realistically possible.
I'm not sure if it is a breach of NDA. I would just be curious to hear Logos point of view on this. In my meeting there were people I didn't know in attendance, and you never know who might look on your computer and see Logos 4 at the top. If I were to use it at church I can only think of one person who might know Logos versions and care.
What I would really like to hear is Logos take on use over public, unsecure networks.
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Rick Brannan said:
I'm finding that if I want to do a concordance-style search for something quickly, the command bar is my friend. The "Search" and "Bible Search" commands do a lot of legwork, and since I touch-type anyway, it's pretty easy.
Rick... I Agree, but as a note to Bob ... this style of "Speed Search" is not readily intuitive to a new (non-power) user. I know my wife does not use v3 very much, but she does use the v3 "Bible Speed Search" icon whenever she wants to find the reference of a verse she needs. I'm not sure if a non-typed command might be warranted for the non-power users. (Similar to the "Bible Speed Search" Icon in v3.
Laptop:Vista Business SP2 32-bit OS / Intel Duo Core P8400@2.26Ghz / 3-Gigs RAM