Projecting slides during message

I'm new to Logos and have been watching the training videos. My setup is a laptop with a projector on the HDMI port. On my screen I have the message on the right and several small slides on the left. I've exported the slides to Power Point. Question: During preaching mode can I have the outline on the laptop and the slides only on the projector? Any help much appreciated.
If you project from PowerPoint all you will have on the screen are the slides. Your sermon outline/notes will not be projected.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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I use my ipad for this purpose. My ipad is connected to the projector. and I control the slide as and navigate through the sermon using the page option in preach mode. It works very well for me.
The power point slides are on the left and the sermon on the right within the logos app.
You could always copy and paste your sermon into the note field for each slide and have that showing as you advance the slides through the sermon.
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Thanks Mark. That's right. I can put the slides on both screens or the entire message outline on both screens but not the outline on the laptop and the slides on the projector. I'm new to Logos and It could be my own error; the program may not be designed to split the to split the message outline from the slides. That's why I'm wondering what the slides are for? Thanks for the quick reply.
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Thanks Kenneth. You gave me an idea. I may just print the outline on paper and use PowerPoint to display the slides and I proceed through the massage as you just indicated point by point. Thanks again,
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Christopher, I haven't done what you are trying, but I have tried using PowerPoint and another program on a laptop at the same time. To do that, every time I wanted to advance a slide, I had to toggle the screen to see PowerPoint, then toggle it back to see my notes. (I either use ALT-TAB or I go to the system tray to click on the other program.) This is not ideal. Better is having one laptop handle projection and another for my notes. At church I have that set-up so that's usually what I do.
I haven't done the single computer one in a while so I may be remembering wrong, but I believe that is how I handled it.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Thank you Mark: Until I get better acquainted with Logos and it's functions I think I'll take the simplest route. For now I'll just print the sermon outline and use PowerPoint for the slides. I appreciate your input.
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Something to consider...
Since you mentioned PowerPoint and using a laptop with an HDMI projector attached...
Most laptops that I am aware of allow you to either mirror your screen to the HDMI port or treat it (the projector) as a second screen.
P.P. in a two screen mode like this allows you to have presenter notes (with the presentation control screen) available appearing on the main laptop screen which do not appear on the projector (only the slides appear there).
Have you considered trying to use this mode to display your slides with the projector and have your sermon notes on the L.T. screen as presenter notes?
P.S. You have to set up your L.T. to EXPAND your desktop not MIRROR it.
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Thanks Roy for replying: I'm just now getting back to the forum. I tried that a day or two ago and didn't have much luck operating both screens. So I decided to try again after seeing your note and I have been experimenting with it again. The tricky part is controlling both screens. I found that if I use the touch screen on the L.T. I can scroll through the outline and if I put the pointer on the projector screen I can click with the mouse or use the key pad arrow keys to scroll through the PowerPoint slides. I'm still experimenting and practicing that. Thanks again for the suggestion; I've had better response now with a little practice.
Have a great day,
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Thank you Kenneth: That looks like and great setup! I have an iPad but haven't done any experimenting with it at this time being new to Logos. I will consider trying to use it that way later on.
Thanks much,