Request: Prayer List Workflow Improvements
Member Posts: 10,978 ✭✭✭
I have been using the prayer lists more on mobile than on the desktop. That said One of the things I find most frustrating is the "workflow" doesn't work so well for me.
- I do love how all of the day's prayer lists are compiled into one on the mobile when I open up Today's prayers.
(I wish It would do so on the desktop as well!) - My prayer lists are never short so if I click into one in order to read the details and pray through relevant listed verses I find that going back to the main list I now have to scroll through many completed prayers to get to the next one to pray for. (Feedback Request: “Prayer List: scroll to next Not yet prayed item when returning to list”)
- Please consider hiding a completed prayer from today's prayers as soon as I mark it completed for the day. (Feedback Request:“Hide Prayed for Item when marked complete”)
- Please also consider making those tiny little radio buttons larger, tapping them can be hit or miss sometimes on my phone. (Feedback Request: “Prayer list: Increase size of radio buttons to check off”)
- Please also consider adding a "Swipe to complete" so that I could just swipe a completed prayer item for the day away. (Feedback Request: “Prayer List: Swipe to complete a prayer”)
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
Great suggestions. I hope they listen this time. Been trying to get them to change the prayer list functionality on the mobile device for multiple versions now.