Read Aloud anomaly (BUG?)

I have been a longtime user of Logos (since version 1.1, I believe). I have used the read-aloud feature in recent years with little and no troubles (I have third party voices).
However with L9, I also switched my "speaker" set up since I am using L9 in class a lot, and haven't done that before. What I am saying is that this may have done this before, but I didn't notice it. Previously, I used wired speakers, I now have a Bluetooth Plantronics so that I can hear/speak in my zoom classes too.
When reading through the page of text, and it comes towards the bottom, it pauses, pages, and continues at the top of the screen. when it starts, there is a little flash circle at the place where it begins again. This process is barely noticeable with wired speakers, and only a slight delay. I really only notice it if it does it mid-sentence.
However, using the BT wireless headset, it is "too noticeable." as part of the sequence, the audio is apparently disconnected and re-established when it starts at the top of the page. and the headset makes a beep sound when it connects to audio. by the time the beeps finish (a second or so), the voice is already past a word or two before it continues.
so now, when it does this, there is that annoying beep st start each page, and I miss the next word or two.
I had a bluetooth speaker that used to 'click' whenever there was a slight pause in audio, like between songs, or even between paragraphs of a audio sermon. I think it is something to do with it trying to save power. It was so very annoying, the click was very loud in comparison. The only way I could get it to stop was to have something else 'playing' a quiet noise continuously, but that was just as annoying. It ended up consigned to the bottom of a drawer.
Logos is not controlling your bluetooth device. You could try a different bluetooth adapter if you have one to hand, or use a phone to see if it is the headset. You could try another bluetooth headset/speaker on your computer to see if it is the computers adapter, which may help determine where the problem. You could also look for some updated drivers for the adapter.
You could also try the following if you are on Windows, taken from a not too disimilar problem. (
- Go into "Device Manager" and click on "Bluetooth".
- Select the "Properties of the first item listed (which is 'usually' the wireless bluetooth module). NOTE: If the first one is not the correct one on your device, then try the others that are listed.
- In "Properties" click on the "Power Management" tab and then uncheck the box next to "Turn off device to save power".
This did not work for me, but may for you.