Suggestion: Legacy Standard Bible



  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 3,086 ✭✭✭

    If you run a visual filter on the NASB95 that turns doulos into slave and YHWH into Yahweh, you have the LSB without spending any additional money. :) 

    My Bible software supports "just change it" capability. Whenever I think I'm so much smarter, I change it (edit the translation text, leaving markers). Granted, I use an older translation outside copyrights.

    Churchmen usually squeal, on 'just change it'. Instead, they translation-shop. Our pastor does that. Some pastors just cut-bait, and re-word it. Maybe some etymology thrown in.

    Saying a "literal meaning" is silly ... even in modern english, literal translation of english would look very childish to an english speaker. You have to go back in time.

    Then, there's the slaves. How that impresses people.

  • Daniel Welch
    Daniel Welch Member Posts: 7
  • David Paul
    David Paul Member Posts: 6,073 ✭✭✭

    This has nothing to do with my point. 

    If you say so...but you called me disingenuous for my concern that there weren't any marginal notes in the online text I had accessed before my first post. For context, I will post what I wrote.

    I frankly don't see what advantage there is to the LSB over the NASB95. I like the NASB for its literalness, but the deal-clincher is that it has marginal notes that amp up the literalness even more. For instance, while the NASB and the LSB both have "lights" in Gen. 1:14, the NASB has "luminaries" in the margin, which I much prefer simply because it is more accurate. Why should I switch to a version that is simply less of what I like about the original?

    Another person immediately posted that a downloaded version they had accessed did have such notes, including the translation choice I consider best, which the NASB95 also has. Great. If the notes are available, problem solved. But then you came along and called me disingenuous...for what reason isn't exactly clear. Let's get this on the same page:

    You should watch the videos discussing the translation philosophy of the LSB on their website.  One translation priority is to make the original language apparent in the translation by using the same word to translate it if doing so can preseve the meaning. This is why light not luminaries. If you don’t like this approach, fine. But don’t falsely claim it is a bad translation choice while ignoring the reasons for it. This is disingenuous 

    In my previous post, I addressed what appeared to be the part of your post that seemed to elicit the charge of disingenuity. As bolded, you brought up the concept of constancy of word selection when translating the same OL word; you then insisted I was making false claims. My response was to point out the obvious--the words translated "light" in Gen. 1:3 and Gen. 1:14 are not the same, a fact that plainly denatures the grounds for your charge.

    I suppose it's worth pointing out that the "translation philosophy" that you are championing appears to be violated by how both the NASB95 and LSB translate maa'ohr, since consistent constancy would require that if 'ohr is deemed to be "light", then maa'ohr would need to be something else by the philosophy you are defending. I provided solid grounding for my choice of "luminaries".

    But you now say that I didn't address your point. So in what part of the non-bolded text was your "point" located? Frankly, I'm having trouble locating it.

    ASUS  ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti

    "The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not."  Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.

  • skypeace
    skypeace Member Posts: 251 ✭✭

    Any news as it has been on preorder awhile?

    Wondering what the status is, really looking to be able to compare it with other versions, don't want to purchase it for any other platform and eventually not use it. Even if I don't default to it I will still use it in Logos for text comparison.

  • Justin Gatlin
    Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,219

    skypeace said:

    Any news as it has been on preorder awhile?

    Wondering what the status is, really looking to be able to compare it with other versions, don't want to purchase it for any other platform and eventually not use it. Even if I don't default to it I will still use it in Logos for text comparison.

    Faithlife does not usually give updates beyond what is on the product page. If you are just looking for something to compare to, the NASB 95 is almost identical, except for a handful of consistent changes in particular words. 

  • Steven Leavitt
    Steven Leavitt Member Posts: 94 ✭✭

    Great news! LSB is releasing October 31st!!!!!!!!!