Recommended resources on specialized knowledge to eventually be able to achieve a good generalist ab

Going through the General Forums, I came a cross a nice tip:
In Google type: Site press space bar type forums address press space bar then type term or phrase
So using it I came across an old thread that made me think.
To your knowledge, are there particular themes, topics, subjects (in a specialist sense), that is helpful to eventually be a generalist (thinking of the classification FL does in packages)?
What resources would be associated to such?
From my point of view I can think of the resources found about Critical Thinking series found before in Noet.
Of course, Bible content a must, biblical theology important, historical issues also, exegesis to check it all also good, cultural studies for seeing how culture taints approaches to theology in different times, etc.
Following are some Macro categories from L9 ultimate:
English Bibles (69)
Biblical Commentaries (4016)
Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (60)
Theology Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (30)
Old Testament Studies (511)
New Testament Studies (530)
General Biblical Studies (276)
Devotionals and Spiritual Growth (483)
Bible Surveys and Introductions (89)
Courses (11)
Audiobooks (17)
Preaching and Teaching (192)
Sermons (82)
Hermeneutics and Exegesis (79)
Greek Texts and Translations (200)
Greek Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (70)
Septuagint (100)
Hebrew Texts and Translations (297)
Hebrew Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (38)
Latin Texts and Translations (13)
Latin Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (11)
Other Ancient Language Texts and Translations (185)
Other Ancient Language Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (35)
Journals and Magazines (2840)
Systematic Theology (233)
Biblical Theology (229)
Church History and Historical Theology (675)
Church Fathers and Patristic Period (612)
Medieval Theology (75)
Reformation-Era Theology (117)
Confessions and Catechisms (41)
Church Documents (315)
Liturgy and Worship (160)
Archaeology (8)
Judaica (74)
Letters (5)
Spirituality (288)
Pastoral Care and Counseling (322)
Ministry (247)
Marriage and Family (49)
Study Bibles (33)
Prophecy (16)
Apologetics and World Religions (157)
Atlases, Maps, and Media (48)
Harmonies and Parallel Passages (4)
Interlinears (6)
General Reference (32)
Literature and Poetry (30)
Philosophy (155)
History (46)
French Bibles (1)
German Bibles (4)
17th Century Theology (194)
18th Century Theology (166)
19th Century Theology (1046)
20th Century Theology (628)
21st Century Theology (494)
Quite a list.
So it would be nice to know if you think there are particular subjects / resources, that would allow one to be able to enter and explore root issues, heart of matter topics in each.
Thanks ahead of time for any constructive input.