Verbum Tip 4i: Bible Browser - Events

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,787
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.

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Facet: (Biblical) Events





Bible Browser

In the Bible Browser one cannot simply select an event. Rather, one must choose among the attributes associated with the Event as shown in the red box.

The most common selection is Defining Text i.e. the Bible passages in which the event is narrated.

This is our first example where the user must be very careful to think clearly. Why is the list of People (red box) different from the list of Participants (gold box)? The red box People is a list of the Biblical People mentioned in the selected texts – whether mentioned directly or by reference. The gold box Participants is a list of the people associated with the event. Taking the data from the Biblical Event Navigator (below), the data follows this chain.

This provides us with four of the nine participants. Move up one level to Abraham is called.

This provides a fifth participant – God. Move up another level to God fulfills promised made to Abraham.

This adds Isaac and Melchizedek to the list giving us seven of the nine participants. Move up another level to Life of Abraham.

This still leaves us two participants short. Move up another level to Patriarchal Period.

This gives use Jacob and Joseph completing the list of nine participants.

The same process is applied to Biblical Place (and presumably Biblical thing).


Biblical Event Navigator. 2014. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife deals specifically with the Biblical Events data. It shows:

  • Events in a hierarchical structure
  • Standard name of the event
  • Participants (Biblical persons)
  • Setting (Biblical places)
  • Important things (Biblical things)
  • Topics and themes
  • Defining Passages
  • (Passages) mentioned in

In tracking down the differences between People/Participants and Places/Settings, the functions of the Interactive were sufficiently explored.

Context Menu and Information Panel

The hierarchical structure that explained the Bible Browser results appears as multiple events in the Information Panel.

The Context Menu has several interesting characteristics.

  • Again the entire Biblical Event hierarchy is shown (green box)
  • Factbook, Atlas, and Biblical Event Navigator (see interactive above) are all shown as options (purple box)
  • The Look up option is null; use the Biblical Event Navigator for this function (gold box)
  • The Copy reference: Search function yields <Event Terah settles in Haran> which finds nothing. The {Section <Event Terah settles in Haran>} format is required (gold box)
  • The Search functions use the required Section format (gold box).


The Atlas is integrated into the Biblical Events using the same events, participant information, et. al.


Factbook also emphasizes the hierarchical nature of events both in the header and in the Events Section.


The search, which requires the Section extension, has no parameters or unique features. The Bible search as initiated from the Context Menu.

No quiz today. Instead explore Bible history with the Biblical Event Navigator. Remember that an event requires some change in state while an action does not. Also remember that change in characters, location, topic etc. normally reflects a new event and, usually, pericope. Explore passages that are not on the arc of the “big picture” Bible story, narrative passages in non-narrative books, . . . And yes, consider the position of my favorite cannibal mothers narrative.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."



  • John Connell
    John Connell Member Posts: 477 ✭✭

    Typo: This is our first example where the user must be very carefully to think clearly.


    And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers (Mal 4:6a)