Need help writing a syntax search

Doc B
Doc B Member Posts: 3,624 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm looking for help with a search I'd like to save so I can call it up as needed. I'm not certain but I think a syntax search is the best route. I'm not only not an expert on syntax searches, I doubt I'd qualify for a free copy of "Syntax Searches for Dummies."

I've been working on a project I'm calling "Theology of Memory." What I'm looking for is a search, OT and NT, that will find every occurrence of the imperative commanding one to remember.  It can either be in the positive ('remember...') or in the negative ('do not forget...'). It may also have other constructions such as euphemisms ('bind to your forehead' or 'written on your heart'). I know I can use senses (L-N stuff) in the NT but have no idea how to attack senses in the OT...I don't know aleph from the proverbial fish with a bicycle.

All jocularity aside, the emphasis in the Bible on memory is astounding, and it has incredible application in life (think about how to handle a lifelong saint who because of dementia can no longer remember their faith).

If anyone can get me started, I'd be grateful. If you can get me finished, I'll dance at your wedding. (OK, sorry about the threat...I'm a Baptist and don't know how to dance.)

Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

