Collections in other languages... is there a way to get them?

Hallo power users:
I was wondering if there is a way to get collections for other languages somewhere or somehow: German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, etc?
How about a lexicon of common theological words with headwords in English, that gives the proper term in the languages above? [a la multi language dictionary]
Conversely, is there any way to get parallel resources in other languages easily? E.g. Lexham survey of theology?
The following helps, but how can one exclude journals and magazines?
subject:theology AND language:English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese
Thanks for any input.
Hamilton Ramos said:
How about a lexicon of common theological words with headwords ...
Type:Lexicon (Subj:(Teolog,Theolog) OR Title:(Teolog,Theolog))
Lexicons in various languages tend to have headwords in that language plus may have headwords for original language(s).
German Theologisches has a different vowel after the g so library/collection filter of Theolog matches Theologisches & Theology
Hamilton Ramos said:E.g. Lexham survey of theology?
Publisher:Lexham Type:Systematic Title:(Sumario,Survey)
is one way to filter for Spanish & English editions: Sumario Teológico Lexham & Lexham Survey of Theology
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks KS4J.
Using subject:glossaries brings up only 1 Spanish one, does that mean that Portuguese, French, and German have a different descriptor each, or that there is no glossaries available on those languages in my Library?
Ok, I think there is progress, under type:encyclopedia there is more multi language resources:
Do you know if there is an easy way to get the equivalent book in other language? e.g. Dictionary of Bible themes?
Is listed as type:Bible Concordance, but does not show... I know It also exists in Spanish and Portuguese...
Do different languages classify resources different?
Thanks for any input.
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Hamilton Ramos said:
Using subject:glossaries brings up only 1 Spanish one, does that mean that Portuguese, French, and German have a different descriptor each, or that there is no glossaries available on those languages in my Library?
The latter. There are 6 German language glossaries in my library, which are translations of Faithlife glossaries, belonging to datasets translated for the German language feature package.
Hamilton Ramos said:Do different languages classify resources different?
No. All resources get a type, and the types have different names in different language UIs, but the same kind of resources, regardless of language, get the same type.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Hamilton Ramos said:
Using subject:glossaries brings up only 1 Spanish one, does that mean that Portuguese, French, and German have a different descriptor each, or that there is no glossaries available on those languages in my Library?
Using English metadata for Subject may not match metadata in other languages: e.g. subject:glossaries finds one of the six Spanish glossaries in my library while subj:glos OR title:glos finds more. Library sorting idea is click Type column followed by shift-click Language column.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thank you NB Mick.
What do you think of: Herders Theologischer Kommentar sum Alten Testament?
It is available at a very discounted price in a package, would you recommend it?
Maybe getting that higher package would allow me to get the glossaries you talk about.
Thanks ahead of time for your input.
Peace and grace.
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Thank you KS4J.
So it means that subject results are different depending on the particular language, that probably uses their own particular language to categorize?
At this point I am tempted to pass to Ms Word the different resource titles under the common categories in the max packages in each language, and turn it into a PB, so that I can run it in the concordance tool, and get a listing of the different terms used in the language so I can find the resources quickly.
Any other ideas?
Neat tip, thanks for sharing (shift click Lang)
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NB.Mick said:Hamilton Ramos said:
Using subject:glossaries brings up only 1 Spanish one, does that mean that Portuguese, French, and German have a different descriptor each, or that there is no glossaries available on those languages in my Library?
The latter. There are 6 German language glossaries in my library, which are translations of Faithlife glossaries, belonging to datasets translated for the German language feature package.
Answering myself here: sorry, I may have misread your post. I was using type:glossary, and this lists 6 German language glossaries in my library (along with 20 in English language). The subject field seems to be very unreliable for inding glossaries in general. Only a third (9 of the 26) has "glossaries" at all as part of the subject, and only 1 of those is a German language one. No localization of the word. "Dictionaries" as part of the subject would be more reliable (i.e. yield 11 of 26, and the one that uses localized "Wörterbücher" as subject has both German and English).
I think the glossaries may be a sidetrack for what you are looking for, as most of the resources with dictionary-like content would be type:enc.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Correct NB MIck.
I only get 1 German glossary, maybe because I do not have the higher end package.
What do you think of the L9 Portfolio Deutsch? would it be an ok choice for an amateur wanna be theologian like me? With dynamic price is 1022.73.
Not sure if it comes with many Journals / Magazines, as that seems to be the easiest way to get acquainted with the Language structure in a non threatening way.
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Found this, not sure what it is, but is a start, I will probably try to do something like that, but also has Portuguese, French and Spanish.