Verbum Tip 4q: Bible Browser: Commands in the Bible

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,797
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1How to use the Verbum Lectionary and Missal

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Facet: Commands




This data simply classifies commands into eleven groups.

From the documentation (examples removed):



A speaker makes a proposal for an appropriate course of action.


A speaker gives an authoritative direction or instruction to do something.


A speaker wishes or invokes harm upon someone or something.


A speaker makes a request for someone to participate or be present or take part in something.


A speaker presents something for acceptance or rejection.


A speaker gives approval for someone to do something.


A speaker gives an authoritative direction or instruction against doing something.


A speaker asks someone to do something.


A speaker issues a message informing of danger if some action is or is not taken.


A speaker expresses a desire for or requests the success of someone.


A speaker expresses a desire for something to happen.[1]

Verb Classes are drawn from Verbnet a project which is integrated with the projects behind the Case Frames and Semantic Roles. From the documentation (examples removed):


9: Putting

To put into a certain place or abstract location.

10: Removing

To remove something as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, whether something concrete or abstract.

11: Sending and Carrying

To cause to go somewhere whether as an indirect (e.g., “send”) or direct agent (e.g., “carry” or “bring”).

12: Pushing and Pulling

To move using one’s strength.

13: Transfer

To cause to change ownership.

14: Learn

To gain knowledge or skills.

15: Hold and Keep

To retain possession of.

16: Concealment

To prevent from being seen or discovered.

17: Throwing

To propel through the air.

18: Hitting

To deal a blow to, either with a hand or with an instrument.

19: Poke

To jab, prod, or stab.

20: Touching

To make physical contact with.

21: Cutting

To separate with or as if with an instrument.

22: Combining and Attaching

To join together with or be joined together with for a common purpose.

23: Separating and Disassembling

To caused to be divided or to become divided from a whole.

24: Coloring

To add color to.

25: Image Creation

To represent something with an image or likeness.

26: Creation and Transformation

To make something new or change an existing entity into something new.

27: Engender

To give rise to.

28: Give Birth

To cause to be born.

30: Perception

To be or become aware of something through the senses.

31: Psychological State

To experience or cause to experience a psychological state (e.g., fear, anger, or love).

32: Desire

To feel or have a want for something.

33: Judgment

To pronounce or enact judgment on a person, situation, or event.

34: Assessment

To evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent or significance of a person, thing, or event.

35: Searching

To try to locate or discover or try to establish the existence of.

36: Social Interaction

To take part in societal activities or customs.

37: Communication

To be in verbal contact and exchange information or ideas.

38: Animal Sounds

The characteristic utterances of animals.

39: Ingesting

To take in, as of food, drink, or some other substance.

40: Bodily Action

To experience or perform a typically inadvertent bodily action.

41: Grooming and Bodily Care

To care for one’s external appearance.

42: Killing

To cause to die or put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly.

43: Emission

To give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, radiation, or vapor.

44: Destroy

To do away with.

45: Change of State

To undergo or cause to undergo a change; to become different in essence.

46: Lodge

To stay in a location.

47: Existence

To be in the state of existence typically associated with an entity.

48: Appearance, Disappearance, and Occurrence

To arrive or come into existence; to cease to exist or happen.

49: Internal Bodily Motion

To move so as to change one’s bodily position.

50: Assuming a Position

To make a change in bodily posture (e.g., to sit, stand, or lie down).

51: Motion

To change location.

52: Avoid

To stay clear from someone or something.

53: Lingering and Rushing

To leave or move in a particular manner, whether slowly or quickly.

54: Measure

To determine the measurements of something or somebody.

55: Begin, Finish, and Continue

To begin, finish, or continue an activity.

56: Holiday

To spend or celebrate a holiday, season, or other time period.

57: Weather

To happen of various kinds of weather, such as raining, blowing, or snowing.

58: Urging and Begging

To spur someone towards or to plead with someone for a particular action.

59: Force

To cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral, or intellectual means.

60: Order

To give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority.

61: Try

To make an effort or attempt.

62: Wish

To hope for.

63: Enforce

To ensure observance of laws and rules.

64: Allow

To make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen.

65: Admit

To allow to enter.

66: Consume

To use up resources or materials.

67: Forbid

To not allow something by means of a command.

68: Pay

To give money, usually in exchange for goods or services.

69: Refrain

To not act.

70: Rely

To have confidence or faith in.

71: Conspire

To act in unison or agreement towards a purpose, often illicit.

72: Help

To give assistance; To be of service.

73: Cooperate

To work together on a common enterprise or project.

74: Succeed

To attain success or reach a desired goal.

75: Neglect

To leave undone or leave out.

76: Limit

To restrict extent or access.

77: Approve

To give sanction to.

78: Indicate

To be a signal or evidence for something or to give a signal or evidence for something.

79: Dedicate

To give to a specific person, activity, or cause.

80: Free

To relieve from something, whether concrete (e.g., confinement) or abstract (e.g., guilt).

81: Suspect

To imagine to be the case or true or probable.

82: Withdraw

To pull back or move away or backward.

83: Cope

To come to terms with.

84: Discover

To determine the existence, presence, or fact of.

85: Defend

To protect against a challenge or attack.

86: Correlating and Relating

To bear a reciprocal or mutual relation to something or to be relevant to something.

87: Focusing and Comprehending

To direct one’s attention to something with the intention of recognizing or understanding it.

88: Caring and Empathizing

To feel concern or interest, often to do so with understanding.

89: Settle

To come to an agreement with another person.

90: Exceed

To be greater in scope or size than some standard.

91: Matter

To have importance.

92: Confine

To enclose someone in a location and prevent that person from leaving.

93: Adopt

To choose and follow.

94: Risk

To expose to a chance of loss or damage.

95: Acquiesce

Too agree or to give in.

96: Addict

To cause to become dependent.

97: Basing and Deducing

To use as a basis for or draw a conclusion from a basis.

98: Confront

To oppose, as in hostility or competition.

99: Ensure

To make certain of.

100: Own

To have ownership or possession of.

101: Patent

To obtain a patent for.

102: Promote

To contribute to the progress or growth or wellbeing of.

103: Require

To need or demand something for its use.

104: Spending Time

To pass time in a specific way.

105: Use

To make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose.

106: Void

To make or declare invalid.

107: Involve

To include as related or as a participant.

108: Multiply

To combine or increase by multiplication.

109: Seem

To have or give the impression of having a certain outward aspect.[2]


Bible Browser

The Bible Browser is straight-forward for Commands. In this example, it shows passages that include Abraham with the command type of request and a verb class of concealment.


There is no interactive for Commands in the Bible.

Context Menu and Information Panel

The Information Panel contains the expected information.:

Likewise, the Context Menu contains the expected information with the exception of the missing look up link

BUG: Missing Lookup option in Context Menu for Commands in the Bible


The Search is well documented in Thompson, Jeremy. 2017. Commands in the Bible Dataset Documentation. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife:

[quote]The following structures can be used for each command type:

•  Advice: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Advice}

•  Command: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Command}

•  Curse: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Curse}

•  Invitation: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Invitation}

•  Offer: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Offer}

•  Permission: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Permission}

•  Prohibition: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Prohibition}

•  Request: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Request}

•  Warning: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Warning}

•  Well-wish: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Well-wish}

•  Wish: {Label Command WHERE Type ~ Wish}

In addition, the search syntax can handle the semantic category of the command verb as follows (for a list of semantic categories see the VerbNet Categories for Command Verbs section below):

•  {Label Command WHERE Verb Class ~ Judgment AND Type ~ Command}

•  {Label Command WHERE Verb Class ~ Ingesting AND Type ~ Prohibition}[3]

QUIZ: Use the Bible Browser to find the passage where God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Note there are multiple answers. If your result includes only the requested results, you succeed. Then write a Search that yields the same results.

Hint: first find each of the four components:

  1. Find God as the one who is speaking (giving the command)
  2. Find Abraham as the one who is listening (addressed)
  3. Find a command – a true command
  4. Find a verb classification of killing

Once you have each part, start putting them together remembering that a space between search terms is the same as an AND.


  • Reported Speech → Speaker → God
  • Reported Speech → Addressee → Abraham
  • Commands → Type → Command
  • Commands → Verb Classification → Killing

{Label Command WHERE Verb Class ~ Killing  AND Type ~ Command}  ({Speaker <Person God>} {Addressee <Person Abraham>})

You may find the browser a bit easier than the Search. It is often true that Factbook or the Browser provide easier paths to the information than a Search.

[1] Jeremy Thompson, Commands in the Bible Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2017).

[2] Jeremy Thompson, Commands in the Bible Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2017).

[3] Jeremy Thompson, Commands in the Bible Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2017).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
