Using Logos Self-Documentation Features/Tools

As one of many Wordsearch users transitioning to Logos, I've spent the last 2 months learning the Logos landscape, features, tools, etc. And as expected I've run into many dead ends as I've exercised Logos.
I'm looking for some advice one how to and when to use use Logos internal documentation containers. I've used the annotation features of notes and highlighting, and have collected some of those into notebooks. I've also used the sermon editor, not for sermons (I'm just an old former Sunday School teacher and now a layperson who studies), but as a place to collect ideas, some study info, etc. I've added a few short term items to clippings and have attached eternal documents as personal docs (in the case of Word.docx) and pdf's as shortcuts. So I think I've explored the internal and external data collection features of Logos. Where I need some advice is what is the best way on how I should use those containers to perform certain study activities. In Wordsearch I'd use User Books. I was able to collect, print in a reasonable format and share with others.
In Logos, for example, I'd like to study a specific verse and certain words within that verse, then save that collected information for future use or possible printing/sharing and stay referenced within Logos. I know I could paste it into a Word docx and then attach it back into Logos as a personal doc. But I'd like to really keep the study effort just within Logos. Any suggestions before I end up running into more dead ends or blind alley (which of course is part of the learning process)???
Eugene Nowak said:
In Logos, for example, I'd like to study a specific verse and certain words within that verse, then save that collected information for future use or possible printing/sharing and stay referenced within Logos.
For this, I would use Notes.
Create a note linked to the verse - and then additional notes linked to particular words.
I'd probably put them all in a Notebook (or alternatively tag them) so they are clearly identified with that particular study project.
Would that work for you?
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Graham Criddle said:
Create a note linked to the verse
This is how I do it as well. If the note is linked to a reference, it appears in all Bibles that you have.
Graham Criddle said:and then additional notes linked to particular words.
I did this in the past but no longer. If you link a note to a particular word, then it only appears in the one resources in which you added the note.
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Thanks for the responses.
I've noticed that when I apply Notes to verses, then collect them all in a Notebook, they print/export in verse order. I've also noticed that when I use an Inductive Bible Study Guide that it prints/exports in accordance with the Guide layout. I've learned that the user inputs into the Guide are Notes that are collected in a Notebook and the Notebook shares the same name as the Guide. So if I want to share the Inductive Bible Study done in the Guide, I can print/export from the Guide with the detail from the Guide and the Notes I've entered into the Guide. Or I can print/export the Notebook created from the Guide and it will just appear as the notes tagged to the verse and sorted in verse order.
So, if I just want to study a verse, I'd have to put whatever information I'd want to store into that verse note and organize the information the way I'd need to generate a print/export output that made sense, right? This is with the idea that I'd want to share it with someone else, so it would have to be readable and flow. If I wanted to add a second verse, or multiple verses, or add a note to a non-Bible resource, then Logos would dictate the print/export order and it would seem I'd have to manage any organization of the study/research being shared with someone outside of Logos in Word or some other software. Did I connect the dots correctly?
Or is there a way to manage the order of Notes in a Notebook when printing/exporting?
I'm trying to map out the process with an end goal in mind. I think I've learned enough about Logos to do the study and documentation portions, but it's thinking through how I would generate something I could share with someone else without having to use Logos external tools.
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Armin said:
If you link a note to a particular word, then it only appears in the one resources in which you added the note.
Although if you are using BIbles with reverse interlinears - or using original language texts - the Notes and Highlights (Corresponding) Visual Filter does a good job if mapping notes / highlights as shown below
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Eugene Nowak said:
Or is there a way to manage the order of Notes in a Notebook when printing/exporting?
The order notes appear when printed is the same as their order in the Notebook - and they can be sorted using a variety of criteria as shown below:
Or you can manually move notes within a notebook by dragging them with your mouse
Would that give you the control over positioning you are looking for?
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Was unaware of manually sorting. So, I can insert any info into the notes, formatted in a way the has printing/exporting in mind, sequence them so they will make sense when printed/exported. I can even insert the sequence in the header area in case the order gets messed up. Sounds like workable solution.
I'll give it a try.
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I'm not sure why I didn't notice this before....
Adding a highlight to a verse or word appears to be the same as adding a note to a verse or a word. The only difference I see is how the text is marked up. Notes leave a marker with the selection and highlighting leaves however you've defined the marking for the selection. But with both you, can insert text in a note field. I've been adding highlights and notes, sure doesn't look that needs to be done anymore.
The question, are there advantages of doing it one way or the other? Or is it just user preference? It kinda looks like Visual Filters works with either, is that correct?