Top Tips of the Week for Logos/Verbum 9

How do I find priest, priests, priesthood in Malachi?
Mark Galer said:Using the ESV Bible, I am looking for all the verses in Malachi where the word priest, priests, or priesthood occur. Thank-you in advance for your help.
Dave Hooton said:
MJ Smith said:
How do I access my "All the Prayers in the Bible"?
David Brown said:Within my new Logos 9 I purchased the "All the Prayers in the Bible" list and I cannot seem to find out how to access this list or how to use it. Any help would be appreciated.
The "All the Prayers in the Bible" resource and dataset are separate content that is not yet available, although you do own a license, so you will be able to access it as soon as it's released.
How do I recover resource update notifications?
Kevin S. Coy said:Yesterday I received some new resources and some updated resources. When I went to review them by clicking on the blue circle on the main toolbar I accidentally dismissed them by clicking the (X). I now can no longer see what I received.
Is there anyway to recover that listing or do I have to wait for another resource to download?
Rosie Perera said:
Rosie Perera said:
John Fidel said:Kevin, if you open the library and then the left menu you can just see the resources added. For some reason I cannot add a screenshot right now, but if you look it is there along with recently updated resources. It is very handy.
Oh yes, that's another way to do it. Again it just shows resources updated, not datasets. Here's a screenshot.
How do I go directly from interlinear to Bible Word Study?
WP said:Currently when I double-click on a word in my interlinear in a panel, it opens BDAG in the other panel. Is there a way to make it go directly to Bible Word Study every time?
Open a Bible Word study alongside your interlinear. Put both the resource and the Bible Word Study panel in the same Link Set using the panel menu on each panel. When you click in the interlinear, it will update the Bible Word Study panel with the clicked word.
Which Bible to link with the Majority Text Apparatus?
Milkman said:Can anyone suggest which English version to Link set with The Greek NT According to the Majority Text Textual Apparatus.
John Fidel said:I suggest the MEV if you have it. Otherwise KJV or NKJV would track the closest.
John Fidel said:
Recommended reading on the history of the Byzantine Church?
Milkman said:Can anyone suggest a "good" and indepth history of the Byzantine church.
Ken McGuire said:The best I know is volume 2 of Jaroslav Pelikan's The Christian Tradition, The Spirit of Eastern Christendom. Unfortunately it is not in Logos.
Sojourner said:I'd recommend this series: Church in History
I wasn't super impressed with the first one; it was pretty standard as far as early church histories go. Skimming through the others, they look to be much better. They don't focus exclusively on Byzantium, but it's written from the Eastern perspective so the emphasis is on the East.
I'd second Pelikan's work as well.
Milkman said:I just did a very helpful search for Byzantium and came up with these three and numerous other resources that I never knew applied to my search question. (thanks again John).
Can I search a collection?
Floyd Johnson said:Can I search a collection like I can the library?
Can I search for a particular title, or author, or series?
Dave Hooton said:First Filter library for the collection and then you can search for title, or author, or series as you would normally.
(1) Open the Library sidebar, look for Collections (originally below Author) and select your Collection.
(2) Search for series, author, title, etc.
Floyd Johnson said:Can I limit my search to a subset of a collection without creating a new collection?
Just use another search field to get your subset e.g.
mytag:notes author:Beale ---> this limits the author: search to the subset with mytag:notes
Is there a way to create a checkbox in notes?
Sharon Hillam said:I'm starting to use Logos Notes a LOT instead of Evernote. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to create a checkbox within the note tex
Rosie Perera said:You can insert/paste this character: ☐
It won't work like an actual checkbox where you can click it to put an X in it. But at least it looks like an empty box.
If you want a workaround to implement a functional checkbox substitute, insert [ ] and then put an X in there if you want to "check" the box.
How do I navigate from Pericope Factbook Events to the Biblical Event Navigator?
MJ. Smith said:add a link to the Biblical Event Navigator to the Events section of the Pericope Factbook entry.
Don't forget you can right click on the Biblical event in the Events section, select the event on the left, then select the Biblical Event Navigator on the right.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."