Why can I search footnotes/crossrefs in NA28 GBS but not in NA28

I have two NA28 resources in my library, the one that came with Logos 6 Platinum (without the apparatus at the time), and the one I purchased separately with the apparatus as a part of the Stuttgart Editions bundle. They are designated respectively in my library as NA28 and NA28 GBS (which I assume stands for German Bible Society).
I was trying to search the NA28 cross-references for anything from the Song of Songs. I normally search footnotes in bibles by doing a Basic search in footnote text (or cross-reference text if available). That search doesn't work at all for anything in the NA28 besides the front matter. However, when I did the same search in the NA28 GBS I did get results.
Another way I tried the search is with the Concordance Tool set to Reference, which you can further narrow to footnote text (and to cross-reference text for the NA28 GBS). I got the same results. Nothing comes up for the bible cross-reference footnotes for the NA28, but I get results in the NA28 GBS.
NA28 in Concordance tool, no options to filter for cross-references, only shows results in front matter:
NA28 GBS: Has additional filter for cross-references, shows results for in-bible cross-references
What would be the reason for this difference in functionality? Why can't I search the text of the cross-references in the NA28, but it works for other bibles and for the NA28 GBS? Can the NA28 be fixed to work like other bibles and the NA28 GBS? Especially since Logos has moved away from the NA28 GBS and is only offering and updating the NA28 now with the apparatus. I'm glad I own the NA28 GBS to be able to do this search but what about those who don't own it? Plus I'm annoyed to have to open up a separate resource to do this.
I mistakenly put this post in the Beta forum. It belongs in the regular desktop forum but I don't see an option to move it. My apologies.
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This is a known issue as per https://community.logos.com/forums/p/179424/1037054.aspx#1037054
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Graham Criddle said:
This is a known issue as per https://community.logos.com/forums/p/179424/1037054.aspx#1037054
Thanks Graham. Sad to see that over a year (neigh upon 2 years) later and this still hasn't been addressed.