48+ Hours to download one book???

Ben Fagerland
Ben Fagerland Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

What is the problem here?? I can stream a 4k movie instantly to my TV but it takes over 48 hours to download Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology ...and Im still waiting?



  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,259

    Hi Ben,

    I'm sorry, of course it should not take so long for this resource to become available.

    Please do the following:

    1. Go to Tools > Utilities > Program Settings.
    2. Make sure that "Download New Resources" is set to "Yes".
    3. Make sure that the range is set to "between Midnight and Midnight".
    4. Quit Logos, then open it again. This book should automatically download.

    Please let us know if you need further help.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025

    Mac or Windows? Is this a new book for which you have not received a download notification?

    What are your download settings from Tools > Program Settings  (Download automatically? Download new books?).

    Have you checked Library for the book? When you right-click the book it may indicate that you should Download it.

    Restart the computer.  If that does not work try Update Resources in the GO Box.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,186 ✭✭✭✭

    I've actually had this problem a lot on my MAC.  I wish I knew the cause as it is a huge pain.  The easiest way to fix this is through preferences. 

    Doc your library window on one side and preferences on the other. 

    At the bottom is Hide/Hidden books. 

    Drag it over to the box. 

    Wait for your library to update. 

    Then hover over the resource in the hidden box and click the x to un-hide it. 

    It will then download.  I've had to do this at least 5 times this month but it works.

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,186 ✭✭✭✭

    I should note my remedy is for the book appearing in your library but not downloading.  If you click on the resource in the library menu and then the i in the circle for information it will show downloading with a never ending circle... my remedy fixes that