Verbum Tip 4z: Bible Browser: Messianic Prophecies

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Facet: Messianic prophecies
This data is a specialization of the Ancient Literature data. It also should be a subset of the New Testament use of the Old Testament data.
- Parks, Jimmy. 2018. Messianic Prophecy: Dataset Documentation. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife.
In this case, Faithlife has made its criteria for inclusion explicit:
[quote]The data collated in this dataset is an annotation of specific New Testament and Old Testament passages. Any passage that fits the strict criteria mentioned above.
• Criteria 1: It is about Jesus.
• Criteria 2: It is a quotation or citation of an OT passage.
• Criteria 3: It is a quotation or citation of a NT passage.
• Criteria 4: It is Messianic in content.
• Criteria 5: The NT writer indicates that the prophetic proclamation is fulfilled in some way.[1]
The documentation describes the following data:[quote]• Source - The OT passage that is cited.
• Target - The NT passage that is cited.
• Relationship - The relationship between the OT passage and it’s citation in the NT. This criteria has been determined using the Ancient Literature data. This taxonomy is limited to Citation and Quotation.
• Fulfillment - A label indicating how the NT writer indicates that the prophecy is fulfilled.
• Author Proclamation - The NT author makes an explicit claim about who fulfills the prophecy.
• Participant Proclamation - One or many of the narrative participants makes an explicit claim about who fulfills the prophecy.
• Self-Proclamation - The speaker makes a claim that they fulfill the prophecy themselves.
• Implication - The author cites the prophecy in a way that makes the fulfillment implicit.
• Content - A sentence indicating the nature of the fulfillment.[2]
Bible Browser
For the Browser example, I simply selected a source passage. This alone narrowed the results down to one passage. Some sources are associated with at least four target passages.
I find it frustrating that I must open the NRSV to the Target reference in a separate panel and enter the Source reference to navigate to the passage. I wish the selection track entry “Source: 2 Samuel 7:14” showed text on mouse-over.
There is no interactive for this data. See SUGGESTION: Another visual interactive in the manner of the Psalms - Faithlife Forums ( Without an interactive it is difficult to compare the various Content entries in order to understand the values sufficiently to be able to use the data.
Context Menu and Information Panel
Things to note in the Information Panel:
- Verbum does not recognize partial verses so the entries for both Hebrews 1:5b which is selected and Hebrews 1:5a.
- Entries for both Ancient Literature data and Messianic Prophecies are shown
Unlike the Bible Browser, here mouse-over displays the Source:
The Context Menu shows similar entries. Actions available include copy and search but not lookup – a deficiency I would like to see changed.
Selecting the Bible search builds a search argument of {Label Messianic Prophecy WHERE Content ~ "Jesus was the Son of God" AND Fulfillment ~ "Author Proclamation" AND Relationship ~ "Quotation" AND Source ~ <2 Sa 7:14>}. To select ANY value for an attribute, simply do not specify it. So to find the Messianic Prophecies in Jeremiah, request {Label Messianic Prophecy WHERE Source ~ <Jeremiah>}. Remember from the previous post that <Jeremiah> is sufficient to specify the Bible book Jeremiah.
Find the total number of Messianic Prophecies in the dataset:
Compare this 164 entries to the over 300 claimed by Beaumont, Mike, and Martin Manser. 2020. The Handbook of Bible Promises. Choose a resource in your library or use Google to get a broader list of prophecies fulfilled in Jesus. Take a few example that are not included in Verbum and explore how they fail to meet the criteria for inclusion.
[1] Jimmy Parks, Messianic Prophecy: Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).
[2] <{~":- !!! - Faithlife Forums ( accessed12/9/2020 9:15 PM
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