Main Beta 3 Observations

Jerry Bush
Jerry Bush Member Posts: 1,149 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I will not go into everything, just the top few areas that I am having issues with...

As a quick aside, I added Ram to my main test machine, taking it from 1gb to 3gb.

Overall, there is improvement for me in beta 3, but there are time when the program is terribly sluggish. Most things I click on have a noticeable and annoying delay before they come up.

Some searches are (almost) "Google-fast," while others are way slower than V3. The Bible search is by far the worst. I have searches still taking over 2 minutes to complete.

I have mentioned before I think the new layout concept is a huge leap forward. Well done, Logos. But the speed to switch layouts is unacceptable. Very slow to respond. An even bigger annoyance is the fact that when I switch layouts, the entire program resizes for a couple of seconds, then maximizes again. After that it brings up the selected layout after a several second delay. This bothers me more than just about anything in the program right now, second only to the slowness of the Bible search.

It has grown on me to the point where I like it now. But I still want the ability to make something go away once I have read it. So far, my favorite thing about it is it is helping me discover resources I have never looked at before.

Those are the top three things on my mind for now. There are more, but if the posts get too long, it is hard for everyone to respond and for Logos to keep track.

I really love the direction Logos has taken with this. Keep going guys - you are on to something special!

One other thing I really like is the "Favorites" area up at the top. I have been using that more and more.

Beta 4 this week perhaps?


Macbook Air (2024), Apple M2, 16gb Ram, Mac Sequoia, 1TB storage
