Allow click-based lemma visual filter on lemma line of interlinear

I posted this at FaithllifeFeedback ( If you would use this functionality, vote. If this functionality exists, tell me!
The "Corresponding Word" visual filter is a powerful tool for studying how a particular word is used in a context or even across contexts.
However, in an interlinear, the filter is restricted to the "Manuscript" line. What this means is that if, in, say, in the Lexham Hebrew English Interlinear Bible, I turn on the "Corresponding words" visual filter and select "Same Lemma", then I click on the word וְאֶת־שְׁבָֽא׃ in Gen 10:27, the filter highlights every word with waw-prefix, every word with et-object-marker, and every word containing the name Sheba. It's hard to imagine anyone wanting all that at one time!
Ideal behavior: allow clicking on a single lemma in the "lemma" interlinear line, activating highlighting for JUST that lemma.
(Current workaround: do it in English using a translation with Lexham's incorporated interlinears. Because there's usually just one Hebrew lemma represented in an English equivalent, you can see just, say, "and" or just "Sheba" -- but not just "direct object marker", though I bet there's some way to do that in Logos.)
Joshua Jensen said:
(Current workaround: do it in English using a translation with Lexham's incorporated interlinears. Because there's usually just one Hebrew lemma represented in an English equivalent, you can see just, say, "and" or just "Sheba" -- but not just "direct object marker", though I bet there's some way to do that in Logos.)
Another workaround is right click, select lemma, search Bible (could be useful for corresponding lemma choice in Hebrew & Aramaic)
Keep Smiling [:)]