Verbum Tip 4ag: Bible Browser: Psalms part 2

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,797
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1How to use the Verbum Lectionary and Missal

Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.

Previous post: Verbum Tip 4af  Next post: Verbum Tip 4ah

Detail page (individual psalms):

The layout of the detail page:

  • The full list of attributes (1) was previewed on mouse-over in the main page. Here the list of tags and themes are always listed in full. A caret (see arrow) indicates the ability to open and close the panel.
  • The display of the Hebrew text is selected by a toggle (2).
  • Parallelism is indicated by the circled letters, the // symbol, and its popup. It is toggled by the Parallelism button (3).
  • Structure in indicated by capital letters, light text, vertical lines, light red underlining, and topical heading. It is toggled by the Structure button (4).

From “About”:

Structure: Acrostic

  • The letter of the alphabet (1) are shown in the right margin in the line above the text.
  • The first word of the Hebrew text which begins with that letter is underlined in red(2) in both the Hebrew and the English.
Structure: Chiastic

The chiasm:

  • A Prayer
    • B Enemies
      • C Exhortation to service
  • B’ Enemies
  • A’ Prayer
  • The titles for the sections of the chiasm appear faded which highlights as blue on mouse-over (1)
  • Light lines (2) connect the equivalent steps – again faded which highlights as blue on mouse-over.
Structure: Strophic

  • Each strophe is assigned a title (1).
  • A faint vertical line (2) establishes the boundaries of the strophe.

From “About”:


  • Berlin, Adele. 2008. The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism. Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, UK; Dearborn, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; Dove Booksellers.
Parallelism: Synonymous

  • // indicates the start of a new parallelism set; on mouseover a popup (1) shows the type of parallelism and the parallel elements. Note this parallelism includes multiple verses.
  • In the text itself, // and colored letters in circles (2) mark the elements of the parallelism in the text.


Parallelism: Antithetic

  • // indicates the start of a new parallelism set; on mouseover a popup (1) shows the type of parallelism and the parallel elements.
  • In the text itself, // and colored letters in circles (2) mark the elements of the parallelism in the text.


Parallelism: Synthetic

  • // indicates the start of a new parallelism set; on mouseover a popup (1) shows the type of parallelism and the parallel elements.
  • In the text itself, // and colored letters in circles (2) mark the elements of the parallelism in the text.


Parallelism: Staircase

  • // indicates the start of a new parallelism set; on mouseover a popup (1) shows the type of parallelism and the parallel elements.
  • In the text itself, // and colored letters in circles (2) mark the elements of the parallelism in the text.


Parallelism: Emblematic

  • // indicates the start of a new parallelism set; on mouseover a popup (1) shows the type of parallelism and the parallel elements.
  • In the text itself, // and colored letters in circles (2) mark the elements of the parallelism in the text.


Context Menu and Information Panel

The Information Panel shows the expected data. Notice that the Psalm Explorer shows considerably more information, a situation we haven’t encountered before,

Likewise, the Context Menu has no surprises.



The Bible Search option of the Context Menu generates this search argument: {Label Psalm WHERE Attribution ~ "Anonymous" AND Attribution ~ "David (LXX)" AND Genre ~ "Lament" AND Structure ~ "Chiasm" AND Tag ~ "Imprecatory"}

Liturgical use

Worth adding to your shortcut bar:

Basic reading:

  • Neale, J. M. 1869. 1 A Commentary on the Psalms from Primitive and Mediæval Writers: Psalm 1 to Psalm 38. Second Edition. London; New York: Joseph Masters; Pott and Amery. This is in four volumes.
  • Barber, Michael. 2001. Singing in the Reign: The Psalms and the Liturgy of God’s Kingdom. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing.
  • Tournay, Raymond Jacques. 1991. 118 Seeing and Hearing God with the Psalms: The Prophetic Liturgy of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
  • Human, Dirk J., and Cas J. A. Vos, eds. 2004. Psalms and Liturgy. London; New York: T&T Clark.

Guides > Bible Reference Guide > Liturgy

In the Liturgy Guide section, the top portion gives the lectionary uses, the bottom portion gives other liturgical used. The former is primarily responsorial psalms where the psalm is used in response to a scripture lesson. The latter is primarily various forms of morning and evening prayer i.e. Liturgy of the Hours or Divine Office.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
