Verbum Tip 4ak: Bible Browser: Classification part 2 -- Systematic Theology, Counseling Themes, Cath

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,785
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1How to use the Verbum Lectionary and Missal

Verbum 8 tips 1-30Verbum 8 tips 31-49

Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.

Previous post: Verbum Tip 4aj Next post: Verbum Tip 4al

Note: I have discovered a flaw in my understanding of the Bible Browser. In addition, there are a number of places where I would like add additional information. So I am going to be updating some posts with any major changes showing the bold. A number of small changes such as more linkage will simply appear eventually in the .docx files.

Facet: Systematic theology




  • Thompson, Jeremy. 2019. Lexham Systematic Theology Ontology: Dataset Documentation. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife.
  • Ward, Mark, Jessica Parks, Brannon Ellis, and Todd Hains, eds. 2018. Lexham Survey of Theology. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.


  • <LSTO = theological topic> is a simple datatype

Bible Browser

The example of the Bible Browser selected the following facets:

  • Systematic Theology à Jesus’ Incarnation
  • Systematic Theology à Jesus’ Kenosis

(Aside) Interactive

This interactive is not actually related to Systematic Theology concepts. Rather it is a tool to select Systematic Theology resources by author, denomination, era, and type.

  • Gons, Phil, ed. 2016. Systematic Theologies. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife.

Interactive data:

Selecting Denomination à-->Modern Catholic:

  • Selection from the facets on the left create a breadcrumb trail (1).
  • One can expand the resource entry to display (2):
    • Cover thumbnail
    • Publication date
    • 1st publication date
    • Denomination
    • Language
    • Original language
    • Title
    • Author with dates and brief identifier
  • Mouse-over the title provides the standard resource popup(3)

Context Menu and Information Panel

The Systematic Theology tagging does not appear in the Information Panel.

The Context Menu has a complete set of expected actions:

Note the actions:

  • Open Factbook to Theological topic
  • Open Theological Guide to Theological topic
  • Copy reference with standard options
  • Search with standard options
  • Lookup in LST

The Factbook entry is fleshed out:

Following the Lookup link:

It is essential that you report verifiable errors in this resource as some traditions were not well represented.


Initiating a Bible search generates the following search argument: (<LSTO = Jesus’ Incarnation>, {Section <LSTO = Jesus’ Incarnation>}) which generates the following results:

(Non)Facet: Counseling Themes

This is an example of a new tagging that has yet to be integrated into the Verbum ecosystem.






  • <CT = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder> is a simple datatype

Bible Browser

Not implemented



Context Menu and Information Panel

Not implemented


The Factbook entries exist but are still rudimentary.


The Search, with or without {Section <>} finds very little:

If this feature is important to you, please press for integration – help set the priorities

(Non)Facet: Catholic Topical Index

There is one source of information that speaks the Catholics’ native theological language – the Catholic Topical Index. I suspect it is far behind on the updates mentioned in the documentation. It is not in a form that encourages full integration into the Verbum ecosystem.




  • Jones, Andrew, Robert Klesko, Louis St. Hilaire, and Jason Stellman, eds. 2013. Catholic Topical Index. Bellingham, WA: Verbum.


From the documentation:[quote]

This Catholic Topical Index makes these chains of references more explicit and accessible. Through a combination of automated mining of our existing digital texts and our own editorial collation and review, we’ve aimed to bring together relevant references from the sources—the Scriptures, magisterial texts, Church Fathers and significant theologians—under topical headings related to matters of Catholic doctrine.

The result serves as a topical gateway into the tradition that previously could only be found piecemeal in topical Bibles, patristic and magisterial sourcebooks and the subject indexes of individual texts. Now, starting with any topic covered in the index, you can easily get a snapshot of the tradition, including the most commonly cited Biblical passages and patristic sources, relevant sections of St. Thomas’s Summa Theologica and other medieval texts, and documents of the magisterium down to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and encyclicals of recent popes. All references are linked directly to their sources so that they can be instantly explored in context.

In addition, the reference searching capabilities of Verbum allow you use the index to form connections between the references themselves. From the starting point of a particular Bible verse or passage in the Church Fathers, the Catholic Topical Index allows you to discover related topics and from their broaden your study to other sources relevant to that topic.[1]


Bible Browser

Not available



Context Menu and Information Panel

Not available

Search via Catholic Topical Index Guide

There is no search argument defined for the Catholic Topical Index topics. However, the Catholic Topical Index Guide (Guides à Bible Reference Guides à Catholic Topical Index Guide or Guides à Topic Guides à Catholic Topical Index Guides) can use either a Biblical Reference or a Topic as the input for the Guide to match i.e., a prebuilt search.

The result for the topic Incarnation with the second result expanded:


The possible sections providing references:

  • Sacred Scripture
  • Church teaching
  • Liturgy
  • Canon law
  • Ecclesiastical writers

An example with a Scripture Passage entered:

This is a case were the further development of the Verbum ecosystem expanded the usefulness of this data. As a user, consider how it might be further integrated into your studies and suggest the appropriate upgrades. Also consider the importance of updates and help prioritize them.


[1] Andrew Jones et al., eds., Catholic Topical Index (Bellingham, WA: Verbum, 2013).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

