BUG/REGRESSION: Can no longer navigate to and add note to chapter

Robert Kelbe
Member Posts: 635 ✭✭✭ Windows
I'm pretty sure this is a regression, but my memory may be faulty...
Say I want to add a note to Zechariah 11. I used to be able to type "Zech 11" in my Bible and then in the Notes tool click "New Note" and the reference would be to Zechariah 11. Now, the "Zech 11" reference changes to Zechariah 11:1-17, which is technically the same, but if its a whole chapter I prefer not to have the verse range, so I have to re-enter it manually.
In Christ,
It depends on the bible. ESV will give you Zechariah 11:1-17 when you type Zech 11, but NABRE will give you Zech 11.
===Windows 11 & Android 13