Verbum Tip 4av: (Non)Facet: Grammatical Role

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(Non)Facet: Grammatical role
From Verbum Help on the search arguments used in the clause search – they overlap heavily with Semantic Roles above:
[quote]Clause Search Fields
The following fields are available in a Clause Search (some are unique to certain resources):
• adverbial — An entity in an adverbial clause modifier
• adverbial-lemma — A lemma in an adverbial clause modifier
• adverbial-sense — The sense of an adverbial sense modifier
• adverbial-surface — An original-language word in an adverbial clause modifier
• agent — An entity acting as a semantic agent, the instigator of a verb; direct entities
• benefactive — An entity acting as a semantic benefactive
• case-frame — The arguments needed by the verb, not sensitive to null complements
• case-frame-brackets — The arguments needed by the verb, supports null complements (specified in brackets)
• comitative — An entity acting as a semantic comitative
• comment — An entity acting as a semantic comment
• comparative — An entity acting as a semantic comparative
• content — An entity acting as a semantic content
• cost — An entity acting as a semantic cost
• current — An entity acting as a semantic current
• event — An entity acting as a semantic event
• experiencer — An entity acting as a semantic experiencer
• goal — An entity acting as a semantic goal
• indirect-object — An entity acting as an indirect object of the clause
• indirect-object-lemma — A lemma in an indirect object of the clause
• indirect-object-sense — The word sense of an indirect objects of the clause
• indirect-object-surface — An original-language word in the text indicating the clause’s indirect object
• instrument — An entity acting as a semantic instrument
• location (OT only) — An entity indicating the location of a clause
• location-lemma (OT only) — A lemma in a location clause modifier
• location-lemma-sense — The word sense of the location of a clause
• locative — An entity acting as a semantic locative
• manner — An entity acting as a semantic manner
• object — An entity acting as a direct object of the clause
• object-lemma — A lemma in an direct object of the clause
• object-lemma-sense — The word sense of a direct object of the clause
• object-surface — An original-language word in the text indicating the clause’s direct object
• participant — An entity that is participant of a clause
• participant-lemma — A lemma in phrase that indicates a participant of a clause
• participant-sense — The word sense of a participant of a clause
• path — An entity acting as a semantic path
• patient — An entity acting as a semantic patient, the recipient of a verb action
• person — A person mentioned in the clause
• place — A place mentioned in the clause
• polarity — Whether the clause in normal (positive) or negated (negative)
• related — An entity mentioned in the clause but not falling into another semantic role; returns indirect entities
• related-lemma — The lemma of an entity mentioned in the clause but not falling into another semantic role
• related-sense — The word sense of an entity mentioned in the clause but not falling into another semantic role; returns indirect senses
• result — An entity acting as a semantic result
• resultant — An entity acting as a semantic resultant
• sense — The word sense of an entity, see Bible Sense Lexicon; direct sense
• source — An entity acting as a semantic source
• stimulus — An entity acting as a semantic stimulus
• subject — An entity acting as a subject of the clause
• subject-lemma — A lemma in the subject of the clause
• subject-sense — The word sense of the subject of the clause
• subject-surface — An original-language word in the text indicating the clause’s subject
• temporal — An entity acting as a semantic temporal
• theme — An entity acting as a semantic theme
• thing — A thing mentioned in the clause
• topic — An entity acting as a semantic topic
• topic-and-comment — An entity acting as a semantic topic and comment
• verb — The main verb of the clause—synonymous with verb-gloss and gives the same results
• verb-gloss — Translation-language text main verb of the clause
• verb-lemma — The lemma of the main verb of the clause
• verb-ln — The Louw-Nida semantic domain of the main verb of the clause (Greek only)
• verb-morph — The morphology of the main verb of the clause (Logos morphology, as in morph search)
• verb-root — The root form of the original-language text main verb of the clause
• verb-sense — The word sense of the main verb of the clause
• verb-surface — The original-language text main verb of the clause
Additional terms & modifiers
• complement — A syntactic feature of Hebrew, can be used with other terms. Examples:
• complement:god
• complement-lemma:elohim
• complement-sense:deity
• null-complement:ANY — Searches for any null complement
This modifier can be used with the semantic role search fields to further narrow results:
NULL — Allows for searching for null complements within a given semantic role.
• agent:NULL - Shere the agent of a clause is a null complement
Narrow or expand the search
1. To search a different range of passages, click All Passages and choose from the drop-down list. This will include user-defined ranges, common divisions, pericopes, and Passage Lists. To define a custom range:
• Click in the All Passages field to use a custom reference or use the range picker.
• Ranges can be verses, books, pericopes, a hyphenated range (Genesis–Deuteronomy), or a list separated by commas or semicolons (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).
• Press Enter to use the entered range, or click Save to save it for later use.
• When saving a custom range name it when prompted. This defaults to the text of the entered range.
• Click the arrow or hit Enter to save the range.
• The custom range will now appear in the list when clicking All Passages in the future.
2. To change the resource to search, click the second drop-down and choose from the available list.
3. Click the Search Panel menu icon in the top-right corner of the panel to expand the Panel menu:
• Send searches here: The current search panel becomes the default destination for searches.
Change the search results view
To change how the results are displayed, click:
• Verses: Displays book, chapter, and verse number on the left, and complete verse text on the right for each Bible searched and sorted alphabetically by resource.
• To add one or more Bibles, click the +Add Versions button and type the title of the Bible followed by a comma and another Bible title if more than one will be added.
• Analysis: Provides a spreadsheet-type view of all the data associated with the search results. Choose the columns to display, and sort or group search hits by any available data type.
• Click the Search Panel menu to Export the data to an Excel worksheet. For more details, see Search Analysis.[1]
For this purpose, I am assuming that the “ancient” documentation representing the early iterations of Faithlife products is that basis for the “undocumented” syntactic and morphological features. This may not be an accurate assumption. For the purposes of the average user, a superficial knowledge of the Clause search is sufficient. What is important is to know what kind of data is available and where to find the necessary search terms should you need them.
- Heiser, Michael S., and Vincent M. Setterholm. 2013; 2013. Glossary of Morpho-Syntactic Database Terminology. Lexham Press.
The clause search results appearing in Clause Participants Guide in grammatical mode are:
- With subject
- With object
- With indirect object
- In relation to
Please let me know if you find additional headings.
New data provided by the resource
At a minimum, the list in the introduction above.
Clause search not supported in visual filters
Vocabulary cards
Bible Browser
Not implemented
Faithlife Assistant
Not implemented
Information Panel
Not implemented
Context Menu
Not implemented
The Factbook links to the clause search elements are:
• adverbial — An entity in an adverbial clause modifier
• agent — An entity acting as a semantic agent, the instigator of a verb; direct entities
• benefactive — An entity acting as a semantic benefactive
• case-frame — The arguments needed by the verb, not sensitive to null complements
• comitative — An entity acting as a semantic comitative
• comment — An entity acting as a semantic comment
• comparative — An entity acting as a semantic comparative
• content — An entity acting as a semantic content
• cost — An entity acting as a semantic cost
• current — An entity acting as a semantic current
• event — An entity acting as a semantic event
• experiencer — An entity acting as a semantic experiencer
• goal — An entity acting as a semantic goal
• indirect-object — An entity acting as an indirect object of the clause
• instrument — An entity acting as a semantic instrument
• location (OT only) — An entity indicating the location of a clause
• locative — An entity acting as a semantic locative
• manner — An entity acting as a semantic manner
• object — An entity acting as a direct object of the clause
• participant — An entity that is participant of a clause
• path — An entity acting as a semantic path
• patient — An entity acting as a semantic patient, the recipient of a verb action
• person — A person mentioned in the clause
• place — A place mentioned in the clause
• polarity — Whether the clause in normal (positive) or negated (negative)
• related — An entity mentioned in the clause but not falling into another semantic role; returns indirect entities
• result — An entity acting as a semantic result
• resultant — An entity acting as a semantic resultant
• sense — The word sense of an entity, see Bible Sense Lexicon; direct sense
• source — An entity acting as a semantic source
• stimulus — An entity acting as a semantic stimulus
• subject — An entity acting as a subject of the clause
• temporal — An entity acting as a semantic temporal
• theme — An entity acting as a semantic theme
• thing — A thing mentioned in the clause
• topic — An entity acting as a semantic topic
• topic-and-comment — An entity acting as a semantic topic and comment
• verb — The main verb of the clause—synonymous with verb-gloss and gives the same results
The Factbook entry is still being constructed but has sufficient data to be useful in most cases. It is pulling together documentation and resources in a useful manner.
Not label therefore not applicable
Clause Participant Guide
Grammatical roles mode
In this case the tile/pane has contains a Guide with a single section, Clause Participants. Elements that are common to all Guides are:
- The tab has the standard orange line indicating focus, a tab icon, tab title – resource, tool, document – followed by the input on which the guide was run, tab menu, close tab icon.
- The panel tool bar contains an input box in this case a Biblical word usually a verb, an accept input (Go) icon, a keyboard icon for original language input, a passage range specification to limit results, an add option to add other Bible word oriented guide sections, and the panel menu.
Heading elements specific to the Clause Participants Guide:
- The section heading bar has the standard expand/contract icon, section title, section Bible current setting, section heading bar men, help icon, settings which display a standard select list of permissible Bibles, and a remove section icon.
- An option line below allows toggling between grammatical roles and semantic roles.
- The data section is organized by relationship to verb, e.g. for the verb הלך (go, walk …) there are four sections – the verb הלך with subject Israelites …; the verb הלך with object Israelites; the verb הלך with indirect object Abraham; and the verb הלך is some other relationship with Israelites.
- Under each section header is an entity header consisting of an expand/collapse icon, an entity type icon, an entity name, and a number of occurrences of that entity in that relationship to that verb. Mouse over the entity name generates a popup information card; a click opens Factbook to that entry; a right click opens a context menu.
- When expanded, the detailed Bible references are given. The Bible reference has the standard mouse-over preview, click to open resource, right click for Context Menu behavior. Only highlighted text is interactive – showing Bible text on mouse-over and click and a Context Menu with no indication that the source presents grammatical data.
For the searches, it is easiest to select the clause search and let the tool guide your input. An example of Abraham as subject:
Run the search:
Search for subject and specific verb i.e. subject:Abraham verb-lemma:הלך
Subject and a verb sense – build the search argument:
Run the search:
For a search where one doesn’t know (all the) values of an element, try the verb-sense to kill with an object of ANY:
This “hidden” search in the sense of being poorly documented and rarely pointed to by the application is actually one of the easiest to use in that the “hints” provide a very complete syntax. The basic Factbook entities also work here in slightly different format:
- person:name
- place:name
- thing:name
[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."