Search for Narrator

This discussion inspired me to look for, say, all the places in Acts where the Narrator was speaking, but using {Speaker <Narrator>} didn't work. I know this is a topic that can require a lot of data tagging judgment and iffy conclusions (for example, in John 3:16), but is this theoretically possible? I'm pretty sure I've looked into this before, but I'm not finding any relevant discussions. TIA,
Bump. I realize I overcomplicated my question: Can I search for passages where the Narrator is the speaker?
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Lew Worthington said:
Can I search for passages where the Narrator is the speaker?
Not as far as I am aware
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Lew Worthington said:
Can I search for passages where the Narrator is the speaker?
Some ideas: (while realizing many narrative passages lack words from the speaker: e.g. John 20:31 has words written, but not spoken by John)
{Section <LiteraryTyping = Narrative, Historical>} INTERSECTS <Person Luke>
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I thank you both for your replies. I'll give your idea a shot, KS4J, but I'm not sure how to generalize this reliably without making notes of my own.
FL's approach is interesting but expected -- and yet, understandable -- to see {Person} as representing historic entities rather than literary ones, even though as characters exist in a narrative, they are literary constructs. But, as I said, I understand FL's take on this.
Again, thank you both!