Verbum Tip 4bm: Label: Lectionary Reading; datatype liturgical date and calendar date

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,807
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1Verbum 9 part 2How to use the Verbum Lectionary and MissalVerbum 8 tips 1-30Verbum 8 tips 31-49

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My apologies for not getting more of this sorted out; requests for information on the forums have be slow to get responses -- not a complaint but rather and observation.

Label: Lectionary Reading; datatype liturgical date and secular calendar date


  • Not given but review your library with type:lectionary for available data.


From Verbum Help:

[quote]Lectionary Reading

Lectionary resources consist of sets of readings (or “lessons”) to be read on particular occasions. Each reading has a title and a list of references. Lectionary Reading labels are used to precisely mark up the title and references for each reading in a lectionary resource. This populates the Lectionary section in the Dashboard of the Home Page. Note: Liturgical date is not currently included in these labels.

•   Title ~ "" — Is the kind of reading, such as "Old Testament" or "Gospel."

•   References ~ <Bible ...> — A list of references contained in the reading.

For example:

•   {Label Lectionary Reading WHERE Title ~ "Old Testament" AND References ~ <Bible Isaiah 60>}[1]

For the Catholic, there is one obvious omission in this label – the reading set number which is the standard reference to the lectionary in the ordo.


This search searches only resource type:lectionary which is closer to the Catholic Ordo than the official lectionary. It does not search the actual lectionary e.g. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Lectionary for Mass: For Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America. Second Typical Edition. Vol. I–IV. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1998–2002.

The results of searching on the Lectionary often require additional screening by the user to omit results from the index, results of the same reading set but as read in different years, etc.

Context Menu

Focusing on the reading Genesis 11:1-9 or the title, the Information tool does not show labels relevant to the lectionary. The Context Menu shows two types of references. The first is a liturgical calendar date <CatholicCalendar = Pentecost Vigil Mass, Extended>.

The second reference is a simple calendar date <YearMonthDay = May 22, 2021>. Notice the difference in the Look up resources between the two references.

Note that the {Label Lectionary Reading} used to find this text does not appear in the context menu.

To add to the complexity of the search and tagging, the label {Label Daily Event} selects:

  • International Commission on English in the Liturgy. The Liturgy of the Hours with Supplement. Vol. I–IV. New York: Catholic Book Publishing Corp., 1975–1992.
  • Catholic Church. Missale Romanum: Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Œcumenici Concilii Vaticani II Instauratum Auctoritate Pauli PP. VI Promulgatum Ioannis Pauli PP. II Cura Recognitum. Editio Typica Tertia. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2008.
  • Saints. Bellingham, WA: Verbum, 2013.

The lack of the parallel resources e.g. English editions and the lectionary implies the tagging with the label Daily Event is incomplete.

See SUGGESTION: Document labels for Daily Event and Lectionary for PB's - Faithlife Forums ( This appears to be a month/day calendar date intended to apply to fixed secular calendar dates e.g. the sanctoral cycle. It appears to have been misapplied to ISSL lessons. See SYSTEMIC DATA BUG - missing year in annual resources - Faithlife Forums (

Liturgy Guide

Until the tagging and documentation are more complete and the errors corrected, one should generally use the lectionary portion (top portion) of the Liturgy Guide to get the usage of a scripture reference in the lectionary.

[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
