Linking (Wordsearch to Logos)

AJ Kerezy
AJ Kerezy Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


 I'm a new user coming over from Wordsearch.

In Wordsearch I had a side by side parallel Bible (several different translations), and then in another window I a linked commentary. So when I changed the verse in the Bible, the commentary changed.

I watched a video on linking. I saw where you click the 3 dots, and click a link set. I did this in both tabs or windows. However....when I switch to a new chapter/verse in my parallel Bible, the commentary didn't change.

Any thoughts?

Other than setting both tabs to the same linking group (A,B,C....) is there anything else that has to be done?




  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,185

    Welcome to the user forums, AJ!

    AJ Kerezy said:

    I watched a video on linking. I saw where you click the 3 dots, and click a link set. I did this in both tabs or windows. However....when I switch to a new chapter/verse in my parallel Bible, the commentary didn't change.

    Any thoughts?

    The migration of this product is probably not yet finished.

    As per the Dake resource is an eBook - those typically come without an index (you can verify this in the resource information) as type:monograph. For the feature to work, a resource would need a bible index - then you also can position it directly to a bible verse in the locator bar, and Faithlife would update the type to commentary, study bible or bible notes. 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • AJ Kerezy
    AJ Kerezy Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Thanks for the reply.   How do you what "type" a resource is?   [right clicking didn't tell me, clicking on the three dots in the top right hand corner doesn't help either]


  • AJ Kerezy
    AJ Kerezy Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I figured it's an eBook [:'(]   [:'(]    [:'(]

    In the top right hand corner, the 3 dots, then from the dropdown men, select Information

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,185

    AJ Kerezy said:

    I figured it's an eBook Crying   Crying    Crying

    The point however would be the index, a bit lower in the information (you found the information panel very well, the same opens from the library)

    Especially since edition, type and index (which drives the functionality) seem to change at varying stages during the WS resource conversion process.

    I don't own Dake, but like the EGGNT. You see that three of those I flagged as coming from Wordsearch are type:"bible commentary", three are type:monograph - see the purple boxes - even though five of the six are edition:eBook - golden boxes - and only one (a monograph!) claims to be a Logos Research edition. The relevant thing is that there is an index at all, and that it is a bible index (page indexes may or may not be present and I personally don't care).

    You see from the green arrow that the Ephesians volume has a bible index - thus scrolling along with a bible, when both are in the same link set, would work.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,185

    Note that above I showed a resource that works in a link set despite being an eBook - it has a bible index and is correctly assigned to type:"bible commentary". This is true for the Ephesians and the Matthew commentary from EGGNT.

    The Philippians volume of EGGNT is a counterexample - it only has a page index, which normally would not allow the type:"bible commentary" since those need a bible index to work. I think they are still working on that one and assigned the type prematurely.

    The Luke and Romans volumes are type:monograph, which is okay since they only have a page index - hope this will change soon. They won't scroll with a bible. You can position them only to a page, like a novel. 

    The Mark volume is a Logos Research edition already, not an eBook - but is has no index whatsoever and therefore won't be able to scroll with a bible and doesn't even have a locator box.  

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile