Verbum Tip 5g: Bible Search -- saving passage ranges

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,803
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1Verbum 9 part 2Verbum 9 part 3How to use the Verbum Lectionary and MissalVerbum 8 tips 1-30Verbum 8 tips 31-49

Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.

Previous post: Verbum Tip 5f Next post: Verbum Tip 5h

My apologies that the forums mess up the indentations

Answer: Homework: Search 10

Search Template → Speakers and Addressees → A Person Speaks about Something

When run produces

To improve results:

  • Open the Panel Menu and verify that “Match all word forms” is selected
  • Change from the text form “sheep” to the datatype form <Thing sheep>

This nearly doubles the results:


Answer: Homework: Search 11

Search Templates → Speakers and Addressees → One Person Asks Another Person a Question

Run the query:

Forum tidbits: Word study

Bible word study: How do you choose which words are worth studying? - Faithlife Forums (

From Allen Browne:

[quote]. . . I try to look for the flags the writer is waving for us.


  1. Writers often reuse key words or phrases. As you read and re-read the passage, you'll feel, "That word again?" Right-click, choose the lemma, and click search Bible. That highlights each occurrence of the word, so you can decide how central it is.
  2. If writer uses the word/phrase to introduce and wrap up the passage (inclusio) that's a clue.
  3. If the writer explains a word/phrase, contrasts the opposite, or uses synonyms, they're drawing our attention to it.
  4. Look for markers that slow us down, and ask, "Why am I being told this at this point?" (discourse analysis).

In addition to the words/phrases the writer emphasized, I'll explore words I don't understand, or words that don't make sense to me in that context. Typically that's a right-clilck | lemma | lexicon. For a New Testament text, I might see how that word was used in the LXX as a way of seeing how they saw it. . . .

Bible Search – saving passage ranges

In the search one parameter defines the range of passages to be search. It defaults to All Passages.

  • Clicking on the range (All Passages) (1) opens a drop-down menu to set the range to a different value.
  • The first option allows the user to type a reference (2) and select it from the drop-down select list that appears. Note that the reference you enter must use the verse map of the Bible shown i.e. Bible (NRSV) in this case.
  • The second option allows one to request All Passages (3)
  • The next option allows one to select from a variety of sources:
    • (user-defined) saved ranges (4)
    • Common divisions
      • Entire Bible (Gen-Rev)
      • Old and New Testament (Gen-Mal; Matt-Rev)
      • Apocrypha (Tobit-4 Macc)
      • New Testament (Matt-Rev)
      • Law (Gen-Deut)
      • Histories (Josh-Esther; Tobit-Gk Esth; 1 Macc-1 Esdr; 3 Macc-2 Esdr)
      • Nevi’im (Josh-Judg; 1 Sam-2 Kings; Isa-Jer; Ezek; Hos-Mal)
      • Kethuvim (Ruth; 1 Chron-Song; Lam; Dan)
      • Former Prophets (Josh-Judg; 1 Sam-2 Kings)
      • Latter Prophets (Isa-Jer; Ezek; Hos-Mal)
      • Poetic Books (Job-Prov)
      • Megilloth (Ruth; Esther; Eccles-Song; Lam)
      • Major Prophets (Isa-Dan)
      • Minor Prophets (Hos-Mal)
      • Gospels (Matt-John)
      • Synoptic Gospels (Matt-Luke)
      • Luke-Acts (Luke; Acts)
      • Pauline Epistles (Rom-Philem)
      • Pastoral Epistle (1 Tim-Titus)
      • General Epistles (James-Jude)
      • Petrine Epistles (1 Pet-2 Pet)
      • Johannine Literature (John; 1 John-3 John; Rev)
      • Johannine Epistles (1 John-3 John)
  • Passage lists – I heartily recommend that you go to the Documents menu and cleanout all the temporary passages lists.

As an example of when one adds saved ranges, assume you are beginning a study of the Judaic law as expressed in Scripture

  • Ten commandments: moral: Exodus 20:2-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21
  • Ten commandments: ritual: Exodus 34:11-26
  • Covenant code a.k.a. Book of the Covenant: Exodus 20:22-23:19
  • Holiness code: Leviticus 17-26
  • Deuteronomic code: Deuteronomy 12-26
  • Priestly code: (from Wikipedia)
    • Law of circumcision (Genesis 17)
    • Laws concerning consumption of the Passover meal (Exodus 12:43-49)
    • Laws concerning the keeping of the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14b-17 and 35:1-3)
    • Law concerning the consumption of dead animals, fat, blood, and the portion due to the priest (Leviticus 7:22-38)
    • Law concerning inappropriate behaviour for priests (Leviticus 10:6-15)
    • List of clean and unclean animals (Leviticus 11)
    • Laws of purification and atonement (Leviticus 12, Leviticus 13, and Leviticus 15)
    • Laws interrupting the Holiness Code:
      • The prohibition against consuming the naturally dead (Leviticus 17:15-16)
      • The order to make trespass offerings after sexual involvement with an engaged slavewoman (Leviticus 19:21-22)
      • The prohibition against an anointed high priest uncovering his head or rending his clothes (Leviticus 21:10)
      • The prohibition against offerings by Aaronid priests who are blemished (Leviticus 21:21-22)
      • Case law concerning a blasphemer (Leviticus 24:10-15a and 24:23)
      • The order for a trumpet sounding on Yom Kippur (Leviticus 25:9b)
      • Rules concerning redeeming property (Leviticus 25:23 and 25:26-34)
      • Order to only keep heathens as slaves (Leviticus 25:40, 25:42, 25:44-46)
      • Rules concerning redeeming people (Leviticus 25:48-52, and 25:54)
      • Law concerning the commutation of vows (Leviticus 27)
      • Miscellaneous laws concerning lepers, and dedicated things (Numbers 5:1-10)
      • Law concerning women suspected of adultery (Numbers 5:11-31)
      • Law of the "Little Passover" (Numbers 9:9-14)
      • Laws concerning the duties and revenue of priests and Levites (Numbers 18)
      • Law concerning the daughters of Zelophehad and inheritance (Numbers 27:1-11)
      • Law concerning oaths (Numbers 30)
      • The giving of 48 cities to the Levits (Numbers 35:1-8)
      • Law on the treatment of murder and manslaughter (Numbers 35:9-34)
      • Law concerning the daughters of Zelophehad and marriage to a land owner (Numbers 36)

It is also generally regarded as containing the following descriptions and rules of ritual:

  • Ritual of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 12:15-20)
  • Ritual of Consecration of Priests (Exodus 29:1-37, carried out at Leviticus 8)
  • Continual morning and evening offerings (Exodus 29:38-42)
  • Rules concerning the burning of incense and of hand washing (Exodus 30:7-10, and 30:19-20)
  • Rules about the composition of anointing oil and incense (Exodus 30:22-38)
  • Rules of burnt offerings, meal offerings, peace offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings, including specifications of the portions allocated to priests, and, in some cases, the appropriate costume of the officiating priest (Leviticus 1-7:21, carried out at Leviticus 9)
  • Ritual of cleansing lepers (Leviticus 14)
  • Rule of fringes (Leviticus 15:37-41)
  • Ritual of Yom Kippur (Leviticus 16:3-34, 25:9b)
  • Rituals interrupting the Holiness Code:

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

  • Rules concerning how to fix lamps on the golden candlestick, and how to consecrate priests (Numbers 8:1-15, carried out at Numbers 8:20-22)
  • Ritual of the Red Heifer, for purification after contact with a corpse (Numbers 19)

The first five groups of law can easily be created as saved ranges; the final one is best handled as a passage list

Create a saved range

  • Open the range input drop down menu
  • Enter the Biblical reference (1)
  • Verify that you entered it correctly (2)
  • Save (3)
  • Provide a name (4)

Repeating for each code provides me with the following saved ranges entries:

Create a Passage List

Documents à New à Passage List

  • Provide a title
  • Select text that contains all the references you are interested in
  • Copy to clipboard
  • Open Add function
  • Select add from clipboard

For the Priest Code this creates:

While it is not strictly needed because of the label search argument, I also create a Passage List for the Mitzvot.

This lists are now available to use when setting the search range.

Search 12: Find all references to animals in the mitzvot

  • Set the range to the Passage List “Law: Mitzvoth Commandments of the law”
  • Enter search argument <sense ~ animal>

Search 13: Find all references to burnt offerings in the Covenant Code.

  • Set the range to the Saved Range “Law: Covenant code”
  • Enter search argument (<sense ~ burnt offering> OR <sense ~ whole burnt offering>)

However, I can quickly change the range and see that the Holiness code is the source of offering rules:

Homework: Search 14: find all mentions of adultery in the ethical decalogue.


Homework: Search 15: find all mentions of altars in the Priestly code.


Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
