FL: useful resource to get onboard for Pastoral Counseling.

Hamilton Ramos
Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi L9 Powerusers:

Researching a bit about counseling, I came across something that seems to be promising while attempting to have a balanced, fair and flexible methodology to go about studying particular cases.

Excerpt from L9:

"Hermeneutical circulation begins (step 1) when counselor and client are drawn into a therapeutic story and "jarred" by the client's experience and its relational meaning. Both client and counselor experience the limitations of their understanding (step 2) and turn to conversations with theological sources outside the counseling relationship (step 3). These would include conversations with faith traditions, theological principles, biblical stories, behavioral sciences (as common human experience), and others' personal experience. These conversations broaden horizons (step 4) and present new options that can widen the scope of action in counseling (step 5). As seen in the examples below, this can take place through clients' and therapists' conversations with important others outside of therapy, through expansion of the therapy system, or through in-session consultants and reflecting teams.

The strength of liberation motifs lies in their reduction of hierarchy in therapy, inclusion of the client at all steps of reflection, depathologizing stand toward client problems, and expectations that transformation will include both client and community. Therapeutic use of self and pastoral identity are central in this form of reflection as the therapist brings her or his full humanity to the reflective process. This method also has a broader ability than others to manage plurality of experience, culture, thought, theory, and theology as multiple voices are invited to hermeneutical circulation. It also encourages therapists to diversify and expand their guiding theories and practices. On the other hand, these methods may overestimate clients' ability to engage in the work of praxis. Counselor and client together must assess the client's contexts and capabilities and make decisions about how and where to engage hermeneutical circulation and its practical outcome."

 Townsend, L. (2009). Introduction to pastoral counseling. Nashville: Abingdon Press.

Some of the above method supposedly originates from the following resource:


Maybe FL can manage to get such resource to make it available in L9.

The methodology above has drawbacks, but its multiple positive sub processes makes it perfect to tailor procedures IAW each tradition, valued preferences, etc.

Even its liberation approach jibes well with the "deliverance ministry" found in many P & C groups.

Peace and grace.

