Verbum Tip 5s: Bible Search – Charting part 4

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1; Verbum 9 part 2; Verbum 9 part 3; How to use the Verbum Lectionary and Missal; Verbum 8 tips 1-30; Verbum 8 tips 31-49
Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.
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There is an enlarge function in the upper right that allows one to select a portion of the chart and expand it – the enlargement percentage controlled by the user’s mouse.
The Send to option allows a variety of ways to use the chart:
- Copy to clipboard
- Save as
- Print/export
- Homily
An example of the send to homily shows how it is saved as a slide within the homily.
Homework: Search 28:
An email asked: How can I search for chapters rather than verses for a set of words?
Homework: Search 29:
A user asked: what text would I use in the Search Box to search for verses in the Old Testament relating to Christ or the Messiah?
Homework: Search 30:
A user asked: Have any of you tried to get Logos to provide the number of occurrences for all words in a particular Bible book?
Answer: Homework: Search 28
An email asked: How can I search for chapters rather than verses for a set of words?
The same search that in a Bible search runs against verses will run against chapters in a Basic search. As an example, I look in Mark for where demons and refused are used near each other – none found within a verse but two found within a chapter.
Answer: Homework: Search 29
A user asked: what text would I use in the Search Box to search for verses in the Old Testament relating to Christ or the Messiah?
Trick question of the nature that I refuse to answer. Why?
- Does the user mean find all the messianic prophecies relating to Christ? There is little agreement on what prophecies are messianic especially if one considers Jewish interpretation. So look at the Messianic Prophecies charts in your favorite overviews.
- Does the user mean to find all the types to which Christ is the antitype? There are few enough type resources that you could search them.
- Does the user mean all the passages that foreshadow Christ? Okay, this is a popular approach for commentary series such as “Exalting Jesus in …”
One cannot search for something which you cannot define and, in this case, the user did not provide enough information. However, I would read Messianic Prophecy: Dataset Documentation to see if there is even a starting point within Verbum.
Answer: Homework: Search 30
A user asked: Have any of you tried to get Logos to provide the number of occurrences for all words in a particular Bible book?
A second trick question. This is a task for the Concordance tool (not to be confused with the Concordance Guide) rather than a search.
Forum tidbit
Harry Hahne asked:
“Why does a search for "Lord" find "LORD" when the Match Case option selected? I am searching the NASB 1995 with Match Case selected.
It appears that Logos treats a search for "LORD" in the Old Testament not as all capitals, but as if it were Lord, but with a different font or character attribute. But I suspect most users would think of this word as all capitals, particularly since the context menu shows the selection as LORD, not Lᴏʀᴅ. “
MJ Smith responded:
"In typography, small caps (short for "small capitals") are lowercase characters typeset with glyphs that resemble uppercase letters (capitals) but reduced in height and weight, close to the surrounding lowercase letters or text figures."
Dave Hooton added:
Where a word is in small caps Logos detects it as lower case, and makes the first letter of some words a large cap e.g. LORD, the first word of a phrase in NASB95 e.g. Ro 10:8. Some other NASB95 words are treated this way e.g. HIM in Ro 10:11. So "Match Case" will not distinguish Lord and LORD, but does distinguish lord. FL made this distinction for LORD (in bibles) when users complained it was not detected by using LORD.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."