Copy/Paste from Interlinears

The selecting a portion of text > copy > paste into Word works fine. The problem is I do not use Word all that much. My primary word processor is Scrivener.
When I copy > paste the interlinear portion into Scrivener it only includes the top line. It's basically stripping the table the interlinear is formatted in.
Now, if I paste the snippet into Word, then recopy it from Word and paste it into Scrivener, it then will paste perfectly into Scrivener as the interlinear snippet.
Does anyone else have experience using Scrivener and know a way to copy/paste interlinear segments directly into Scrivener?
Apparently, this is simply not possible due to Scrivener being based off of "rtf" format which does not support inserting tables from copy/paste. It works fine in Word and also OpenOffice but they both support more robust file formats.
The solution I'm using (though not perfect) was to download Greenshot, which is a screenshot capture program for windows. It takes over my regular printscreen button and instead allows me to take snippets of any part of the screen.
When I need just a word or a phrase I will copy it from the top line. If It's Greek and I'm in the English Bible, I will quickly switch over to the Greek tab I always have open and copy the needed info. This pastes fine in Scrivener, especially if I use past as formatted.
If i need the interlinear, I will use the printscreen option, select the portion of the interlinear I need, copy to clipboard, then paste into Scrivener. It seems to handle images MUCH better than it does tables. Why they didn't make Scrivener based off of doc file format I will never understand or something at least that provides equivalent functionality to Word.