Please add a Rating Filter to the Commentaries Passage Guide Section

I've taken the time to go through each of my commentaries and rate them from 1-5 stars for each biblical book. It would be really handy to be able to open the Commentary section in the Passage Guide and filter my results by the star ratings I've assigned. Please consider adding this feature.
Matt Doebler said:
I've taken the time to go through each of my commentaries and rate them from 1-5 stars for each biblical book. It would be really handy to be able to open the Commentary section in the Passage Guide and filter my results by the star ratings I've assigned.
Why not prioritise your commentary according to your filter star result so that it appear on the Passage Guide in the order you want them to. Just a suggestion, while you wait for the filter option to be considered.
Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ
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I can only prioritize commentaries by ratings within a given series differ according to each volume.
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Matt Doebler said:
I can only prioritize commentaries by series...
Try holding down Ctrl (or try another key like Cmd if you should be happening to run a Mac) when dragging a commentary resource to a prio position.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Matt Doebler said:
I've taken the time to go through each of my commentaries and rate them from 1-5 stars for each biblical book
Wow! How did you manage the multi-book volumes e.g. those with Genesis and Exodus, or those for the Pentateuch?
But how did you organise the collections (by series, bible book?) and how much do you depend on the Type classification in the Guide (volumes are sorted by Priority within Exegetical, Expositional, Application, etc.). You will currently have to prioritize a certain number of books from each collection to make best use of your star rating, because it is onerous to prioritize every volume.
To suggest sorting by star rating you need to go to the Feedback site.
===Windows 11 & Android 13