Unable to mark up quoted text in Sermon Builder

Jonathan Douglass
Jonathan Douglass Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When using the sermon builder and I allow the program to automatically generate verses I cite, I am unable to mark up the text. Does anyone know a way to do this? I want to add highlights or emphases on specific words which will trigger thoughts for me to remark on during the message.

How do I suggest this is added in a program update?



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,156

    HI Jonathan - and welcome to the forums

    When using the sermon builder and I allow the program to automatically generate verses I cite, I am unable to mark up the text. Does anyone know a way to do this?

    As you have found this is not currently possible, I'm afraid

    How do I suggest this is added in a program update?

    I suggest you raise it on the feedback site at https://feedback.faithlife.com/boards (you will need to create an account to log into it)


  • Jackie Watts
    Jackie Watts Member Posts: 351 ✭✭

    You can copy the Stylized text into a normal NOTE. Then copy/paste into your Sermon Note. This will allow you to highlight, embolden, italicize, and such. I often use a note within the same SERMON - click on INFO, then tab to the sermon notebook icon, then click NEW NOTE - it will by tied to that sermon.