Exporting Notes and Clippings to Devonthink 3

I would like to store Notes and Clippings from Logos in Devonthink 3 and have the hyperlinks point back directly to the Logos Desktop app (Mac v. 9)
My current workflow is:
- use the Print/Export feature in Logos (9)
- to export documents (Notes or Clippings) in one of the file formats offered (preferred format is rtf)
- to a Devonthink (DT) database
The observed behaviors when clicking on the hyperlink of the document in DT are:
- Bible references open in Biblia.com in a web browser
- other references first open to the logos.com sign-in page and then go to the appropriate reference in the Logos Desktop app
The desired behaviors would be to open directly to the Bible reference or other reference in the Logos Desktop app
Am I missing something?
rpor said:
The observed behaviors when clicking on the hyperlink of the document in DT are:
- Bible references open in Biblia.com in a web browser
- other references first open to the logos.com sign-in page and then go to the appropriate reference in the Logos Desktop app
You will get the same behaviour from the export rtf/docx document. If Logos desktop is already open, resource links will use your current layout. But I had expected bible references to also open in Logos desktop.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:rpor said:
The observed behaviors when clicking on the hyperlink of the document in DT are:
- Bible references open in Biblia.com in a web browser
- other references first open to the logos.com sign-in page and then go to the appropriate reference in the Logos Desktop app
You will get the same behaviour from the export rtf/docx document. If Logos desktop is already open, resource links will use your current layout. But I had expected bible references to also open in Logos desktop.
As did I. But the Bible references open in Biblia.com
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rpor said:
But the Bible references open in Biblia.com
Yes. The protocol (ref.ly) used to open in the web app and then in Logos. I don't know when it was changed.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Perhaps someone from FL can comment.
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Dave Hooton said:rpor said:
But the Bible references open in Biblia.com
Yes. The protocol (ref.ly) used to open in the web app and then in Logos. I don't know when it was changed.
I don't think it did change. It really depends on the URLs you use. Specific examples to illustrate the problem would be very helpful.
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rpor said:
The desired behaviors would be to open directly to the Bible reference or other reference in the Logos Desktop app
Starting in macOS 10.15, Apple has developed a feature (called "Universal Links") that will allow URLs to be opened directly in programs instead of opening a web browser: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/allowing_apps_and_websites_to_link_to_your_content
It's likely we'll support this in the future, which will accomplish what you want.
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I don't think it did change. It really depends on the URLs you use. Specific examples to illustrate the problem would be very helpful.
The references were those in a clippings document exported to Word (docx) or Rich Text (Word) e.g. https://ref.ly/logosref/bibleesv.ge19.22, https://ref.ly/logosref/bible.ge19.22.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
The references were those in a clippings document exported to Word (docx) or Rich Text (Word) e.g. https://ref.ly/logosref/bibleesv.ge19.22, https://ref.ly/logosref/bible.ge19.22.
Those URLs redirect to Biblia because app.logos.com isn't free to use, but the same content is available (without signing in) at Biblia.com.
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It would be useful to have the URL open the Desktop app directly where the user can also have access to all the other Logos resources and tools immediately, rather than opening a new Biblia.com browser window each time, then re-entering the reference in Logos to further explore it.
Could the URL be programmatically reformatted to yield an "L4 type" link which I believe would redirect to the Desktop app without going to Biblia.com or thru Safari etc.
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Dave Hooton said:
The references were those in a clippings document exported to Word (docx) or Rich Text (Word) e.g. https://ref.ly/logosref/bibleesv.ge19.22, https://ref.ly/logosref/bible.ge19.22.
Those URLs redirect to Biblia because app.logos.com isn't free to use
Why do resource links go thru app.logos.com and open the desktop app, when references only go to Biblia (I'm signed in to the browser app)?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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rpor said:
It would be useful to have the URL open the Desktop app directly
Yes; that's why I posted above that we'd be looking into using Universal Links to accomplish this.
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Dave Hooton said:
Why do resource links go thru app.logos.com and open the desktop app, when references only go to Biblia (I'm signed in to the browser app)?
To maximise utility.