BUG: Shaded Clippings Unreadable in Windows

Gareth Harker
Gareth Harker Member Posts: 15 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've been having problems since Logos 8 with creating clippings where the original text is part of a shaded portion (e.g. a sidebar or summary section). Below screen captures will probably explain it better than words.

Example original text from the FSB:

Looks like this when added to a Clippings Document:

This screen capture looks better than what it looks like in Logos.

Oddly, this issue is 'resolved' when I switch all of Logos over to dark mode, but I find dark mode hard on my eyes.

Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem and whether there's a fix in the works. I've sent several emails to tech support, and have been told they are aware of it, but it appears not to be a priority? Usually Logos is pretty good at fixing things like this in a timely fashion.



  • Gareth Harker
    Gareth Harker Member Posts: 15 ✭✭✭

    My screen captures didn't post for some reason ...


    Screenshot 2021-03-03 084747

    In clippings:

    Screenshot 2021-03-03 084719

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem and whether there's a fix in the works.

    I hadn't seen this behaviour before (I don't use Clippings much) but I can reproduce what you are describing.

    It is very strange - it is as though the background shading in the FSB is much darker than it appears.

    I don't have any solution - hopefully someone from Faithlife will see this thread and respond to it.