Logos 9 Word Count for Sermon Builder

My Word Count feature has disappeared! Right below the "Sermon" or "Template" buttons, I used to have a grayed out word count, but now nothing.
Any guidance is much appreciated! This feature is super helpful in my sermon prep.
It is still there its a pop up in the lower right hand corner of the sermon builder.
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Thank you Sir! I missed it. Not a fan of it's new location as it blends in too easily.
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Marc Transparenti said:
Not a fan of it's new location as it blends in too easily.
This was flagged during the beta testing cycle and we are advised it will be changed
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I noticed the change this morning and thought they took the feature away. I couldn't find it anywhere.
Thanks for asking the question. Now, I've found it and, like you, it is a super helpful feature in my sermon prep.
I wish these kinds of changes were made known more easily...like pop ups that demonstrate the changes.