Search Limiting to Exact Match for one term but variants on all other terms?

I'm running the following search of a tag (books not bibles):
(suffer, persecution) WITHIN 5 WORDS (angels, ="sons of god")
"match all word forms" is checked. But...
I would like to match all word forms for every term except for "sons of God." This term I would like to match exactly. I've tried ="sons of God" but it still results in "son of God" results.
Is it possible to search and match all forms for multiple terms but designate exact results for one or more other terms?
Steven Veach said:
(suffer, persecution) WITHIN 5 WORDS (angels, ="sons of god")
(suffer, persecution) WITHIN 5 WORDS (angels, ([match exact] "sons of god"))
(suffer, persecution) WITHIN 5 WORDS (angels, ([match all] "sons of god"))
Steven Veach said:Is it possible to search and match all forms for multiple terms but designate exact results for one or more other terms?
Yes, by using Advanced Search Mark Sensitivity:
• [match exact] or [match all] — Matches exactly what you type
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks very much for that. the match all reduced the results significantly and removed "son of god" entirely. Will be very handy in future searches.