Verbum 9 Tip 6p: Bible resource panel: linked set part 2

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1; Verbum 9 part 2; Verbum 9 part 3; Verbum 9 part 4; How to use the Verbum Lectionary and Missal; Verbum 8 tips 1-30; Verbum 8 tips 31-49
Reading lists: Catholic Bible Interpretation
Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.
Previous post: Verbum Tip 6o Next post: Verbum Tip Aside Traditional Literary Criticism part 1
Home Page Layout
There is a second group of predefined layouts, Home Page Layout, which offers somewhat more complex layouts.
The first layout is for use with a Bible Reading Plan. In my case the reading plan is the pre-defined Optina ‘Kellia’ Lectionary reading plan which determined the passage opened in the NRSV. Note that the NRSV is chosen based on the reading plan not the preferred Bible. The NRSV is in a link set with a Bible Commentary. The Notes panel is open to complete the layout.
The second layout is for use with a Lectionary. Here the leftmost column contains three resources, all of which automatically will open to today’s liturgical date:
- Catholic Daily Readings (U.S. Lectionary). Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2016.
- The Roman Missal: Renewed by Decree of the Most Holy Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, Promulgated by Authority of Pope Paul VI and Revised at the Direction of Pope John Paul II. Third Typical Edition. Washington D.C.: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011.
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Lectionary for Mass: For Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America. Second Typical Edition. Vol. I–IV. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1998–2002.
The middle column opens the top five preferred Bible in the upper half. The bottom half contains the top priority Bible Commentary and the top priority daily devotional. The daily devotional automatically opens to today’s secular date. The rightmost column contains two tools – Cited By and Explorer. The five Bibles, the Bible Commentary, and the Explorer are all part of the same link-set keeping them synchronized.
The third layout is for a passage study. It includes a Passage Guide on the left, the Information tool on the right, with a link set of the top three priority Bibles and a Bible Commentary in the center.
The fourth layout is for a search simply opens the search panel as the sole element of the layout.
The fifth layout is for a topic study. The preferred Bible (NRSV) in the upper right is the only element not in the link set. On the left, one has Factbbook and the Topic Guide for the topic under study. On the lower right, one has the top five priority Bible dictionaries.
Note that one may customize these layouts by setting up the layout as you want it and using “Replace with current layout”. You may restore the system provided layout with “Restore default layout”.
Note that on the right, one also has the option to save any layout as a named layout. It will appear under Saved Layouts on the left. Once created, it’s name will appear at the upper left of the Verbum window. It can be updated by “Update active” under the save command.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."