Verbum 9 Tip 7c: Basic search: select resources part 2

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,811
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1Verbum 9 part 2Verbum 9 part 3Verbum 9 part 4How to use the Verbum Lectionary and MissalVerbum 8 tips 1-30Verbum 8 tips 31-49

Reading lists: Catholic Bible Interpretation

Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.

Previous post: Verbum Tip 7b Next post: Verbum Tip 7c

Resource option: Your documents

The “Your documents” option populates two sections in the search results:

  • Your Documents
  • Your Personal Books

Note that the “Your Documents” section may be sorted by type (as below) or by title.

P19-1 Your Document Search

These are created, modified, and deleted through the Document menu and Tool menu.

The Document Menu:

  1. The document button on the tool bar to open the menu
  2. The add button on the tool task bar to create a new document through this menu.

P19-2 Document Menu

The Tool Menu:

Note: the upper section allows the user to pin their favorite tools for rapid access.

P19-3 Tool Menu

The following chart summarizes the user created content including documents not included in the Your document search.

Document type

Document sharing

Document Menu

Tool menu

Other source



Bibliography w/new


Save as



Canvas w/new





Clippings w/new



Copy Bible Verses Style (not searched)

Copy Bible Verse Style


Tools>Passage>Copy Bible Verse


Guide Template (not searched)

Guide Template


Tools>Content>Guide Editor


Handout (deprecated)


Handout w/o new



Highlighting palette (not searched)

Highlighting Palette




Homily (Sermon)


Homily (Sermon) w/new

Tools>Content>Homily Builder


Homily Manager (not searched)



Tools>Content>Homily Manager


Layout (not searched)





Morph Query


Morph Query w/new

Tools>Lookup>Search>Morph Search>Query




Notebook w/o new



Passage List

Passage List

Passage List w/new


Save as

Personal book



Tools>Utilities>Personal Books


Prayer List

Prayer List

Prayer List w/new



Reading list (not searched)



Tools>Reference>Reading List


Reading Plan

Reading Plan

Reading Plan w/new



Resource Collection

Resource Collection

Resource Collection w/o new


Save as

Sentence Diagram

Sentence Diagram

Sentence Diagram w/new

Tools>Content>Sentence Diagrammer


Syntax Search

Syntax Search

Syntax Search w/new

Tools>Lookup>Search>Syntax Search


Visual Filter

Visual Filter

Visual Filter w/new


Save as

Word Find Puzzle


Word Find Puzzle w/new



Word List

Word List

Word List w/new


Save as

Workflow Template (not searched)

Workflow Template


Tools>Content>Workflow Editor



Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
