Cannot select text of resource to highlight or copy (L8)

Having already done some text highlighting, as well as some copying (to paste into a Word document for Bible class notes), when I press mouse to select text in my open commentary I get the prohibitory circle (circle with slash through it). This has happened before and seemingly after a period of time, I was able to select. But today I've only been able to highlight six separate times in this particular commentary. I'm working from my church PC Lenovo. I opened my MacBook Air up, and while I see my six highlights, I am still prohibited from selecting any text in this particular resource.
Welcome! [:)] Sorry you are having troubles. [:s]
I don't quite understand your issue. Screenshots might help. Also, you indicated in your subject line that you are using L8. Is this true? If so, this thread should be in the L8 forum... but is there a reason you haven't "purchased" the free L9 engine?
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Brother Lawrence said:
I am still prohibited from selecting any text in this particular resource.
Would like to try and replicate for testing purposes as I have not come across this particular aberration.
Please will you reveal the title of the 'particular resource'?
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