No interlinear option in german bibles

I own a full feature logos 9 (Gold+ through, but when I open my German Bibles as in the screenshot, no interlinear option appears, even though it says online that they should be tagged.
Thanks for the help!
kingsidepawn said:
What am I missing here?
Reverse Interlinears work with a specific dataset. Base packages often contain a number of RI datasets (the higher, the more) as part of the Features & Functionalities. For example the RI dataset of the Schlachter 2000 bible is part of the German Bronze level feature package - or as a standalone purchase:
Have joy in the Lord!
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I didn't realize that a full feature copy only implies the English language. I do own the German Bronze library, but thought I do not need Bronze level features, since I own full features in English already.
Thank you for pointing that out.