Concordance Tool--to search a specific pericope but to give a frequency count in whole corpus of NT

David Fish
David Fish Member Posts: 138 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm sorry if this question has already been asked and answered in the forums. I did a search on "Concordance Tool," but did not find what I am looking for.

This is partly because in my "years of wandering in the wilderness" of Accordance, I discovered the COUNT command, where I could search the entire corpus of the GNT for words used any number of times in the NT. Basically, I wanted to identify the words used from 1-10x in the NT. I could search for them, and highlight ALL OF THEM in one swoop.

I would like to find a way to do that in Logos. I think that the Concordance Tool should allow me to do that.

Let me give an example of a simple small pericope. In Juan 18:25-27, in Accordance, I was able to find the following lemmas with a NT frequency of use of 1-10:

θερμαίνω (v. 25) 6x

ἀποκόπτω (v. 26) 6x

ὠτίον (v. 26) 3x

κήπος (v. 26) 5x

If I use the Concordance Tool, say on the UBS5, creating my search like this:

The Greek New Testament, Fifth Revised Edition (with Morphology) : Lemma in John 18:25-27, my result gives me 55 different lemma (used in that pericope).

The above 4 words give me the frequency used it that single pericope (rather than in the NT):

θερμαίνω (v. 25) 1x

ἀποκόπτω (v. 26) 1x

ὠτίον (v. 26) 1x

κήπος (v. 26) 1x

What I want is a way to search for the lemma in a given pericope, and generate how many times those particular lemmae are used in the entire corpus on the GNT.

Can somebody help me do that?

A comment about my "wandering in the wilderness." Our institution required students to purchase Logos for several years. In a money saving attempt, that requirement switched to Accordance for 3 years. During those years I did my best to be a team player and use Accordance in my Greek classroom. Now (much to my chagrin!) in a further money saving attempt, no Bible software in required. I am attempting to add the new Logos Remote Research Library as a library database fee, but we have been hit very hard by Covid. I have returned to using Logos daily in my classroom, but that one thing I could easily do in Accordance has escaped my ability in Logos.

In Accordance, such a search can be easily done from the Search box:

[COUNT 1-10] [RANGE John 18.25-27]

I would be very appreciative of someone who could help me. I would like to be able to quickly perform this search on a pericope I have assigned students to read/translate, and then make my text. (See attached photo).

Pericope With Highlights John 18 25 27

MacBook Air M1 16GB RAM | Mac Mini M1 8GB RAM | iMac 24" M1 16GB RAM | iPad Pro (plus some Windows laptops relegated to disuse)



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,115

    [COUNT 1-10] [RANGE John 18.25-27]

    Use the Concordance tool to look up the Lemma count for the pericope (instead of All Passages).


    Create a Word List from New in the Documents (Docs) menu, and specify the bible and the pericope in its Add menu. Sort the list by Count, and you can remove any entries with a value greater than 10 (there are none in this case).

    What I want is a way to search for the lemma in a given pericope, and generate how many times those particular lemmae are used in the entire corpus on the GNT.

    Drag Concordance from the Tools menu so that you have two instances visible in your layout.  Use the tool with All Passages to look up the Lemma count for the pericope lemmas in the other tab.


    • You can manually search each lemma in the whole bible by copy and paste from the Word List into Morph Search; or
    • Generate another Word List for Mt-Rev (the whole NT), and use the Merge menu to obtain the Intersection of the two Lists.
      • you have to subtract the Count in the Intersection list from that in the pericope list.


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