I used to be able to highlight the search results--lost it a couple weeks ago

David Fish
David Fish Member Posts: 138 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This COULD BE a rather lengthy post (not by my  desire). A few weeks back I asked about the implementation of something like the COUNT command in Accordance. In Accordance, I can search for ALL the Greek words used 8x in the NT, and apply the same highlight to all of them instantaneously.

I rather like that, as I like to mark words used 10x or fewer in the text. The closest work around I have found is to use the CONCORDANCE feature to export to Excel a list of all words in the NT with their frequency count. 

Then I could do a CONCORDANCE search on all the words used in a pericope (this morning I was working on Mark 5:21-43 (for example). Then I can export that list to Excel, and do a VLOOKUP search on my entire GNT frequency list then sort it to find the words in that pericope used 10x or fewer. Then I could do a morphological search on the shorter list of words in that list.

For example, the lemma ἀρχισυνάγωγος is used 9x in the NT, with 4 of those times in the pericope in question.

Until a couple of weeks ago, I could go into the search result list, and highlight ALL of those words right there, which allows me to mark all of the instances of ἀρχισυνάγωγος in relatively short order. Now the search result window no longer allows me to select text and apply the highlight there (which used to carry over into the text itself).

I will attach images of both my Search Results window, and my highlighted UBS5 text.

I would like that feature back. 

MacBook Air M1 16GB RAM | Mac Mini M1 8GB RAM | iMac 24" M1 16GB RAM | iPad Pro (plus some Windows laptops relegated to disuse)



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Hi David

    Until a couple of weeks ago, I could go into the search result list, and highlight ALL of those words right there, which allows me to mark all of the instances of ἀρχισυνάγωγος in relatively short order.

    I have never come across that feature - which doesn't mean it wasn't there but does prompt me to ask whether you were using an Inline Search which would enable you to do as you describe?


  • David Fish
    David Fish Member Posts: 138 ✭✭

    THAT was the difference. In the inline search I can mark within the results.

    Thanks, Graham!

    MacBook Air M1 16GB RAM | Mac Mini M1 8GB RAM | iMac 24" M1 16GB RAM | iPad Pro (plus some Windows laptops relegated to disuse)

  • I rather like that, as I like to mark words used 10x or fewer in the text. The closest work around I have found is to use the CONCORDANCE feature to export to Excel a list of all words in the NT with their frequency count. 

    Alternative idea is Reader's Edition in a Greek Interlinear Bible:

    Inverted image:

    Screen shot shows English words in Interlinear appearing for Greek words used 10 times or less.

    Keep Smiling [:)]