Adding my own entry in the Sermon Info Topics field

I'm just starting with Logos 9 and trying out parts of the preaching and sermon writing components. When I go to add an entry to the topics field, it defaults to the preset choices, which don't include my topic. Is there a way to add a topic or are we limited to those (randomly) pre-determined by the software database?
Everett Vander Horst said:
I'm just starting with Logos 9 and trying out parts of the preaching and sermon writing components. When I go to add an entry to the topics field, it defaults to the preset choices, which don't include my topic. Is there a way to add a topic or are we limited to those (randomly) pre-determined by the software database?
I had the same question. Apparently, this cannot be done as the way Logos features interact. See this post from 2016:
Also, I tried using the description as an alternative to the topic selection, but the sermon description field is not searchable.
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Thanks for the reply. I'll stop putting effort into trying to make my own categories work.