Bug: Logos crashes when opeing layout with atlas

I have a custom bible reading layout, opened from my reading plan, that includes opening the atlas. Sometimes when the layout is opening, just starting to display the atlas, Logos crashes and closes. Twice this week. The layout includes a mix of translations, commentaries etc., with the atlas and timeline tools (normally) opening in separate windows on second monitor.
My OS is Win10. The problem has also occurred opening the layout from my laptop (also W10) when 'on the road'.
The only recovery is to re-open Logos and the layout and hope it works. It has crashed 3x in a row, and I have resorted to opening the reading plan on my Android tablet.
It would be nice to have a more graceful exit if / when there is a problem opening the atlas, preferably with an option for me to continue without the atlas.
I suggest submitting logs: https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027869132-How-to-Enable-and-Submit-Log-Files
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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That is difficult for me to reproduce, so upload some logs the next time it crashes (before you restart Logos).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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There is an Atlas related bug fix for possibly this problem in the latest beta.
https://wiki.logos.com/Logos_9.5_Beta_1 (Beta 2 has been released but should include this)
Atlas Tool
- Fixed a potential crash when the Atlas Tool is saved in a Layout.
Please see Beta Warnings and Risks before deciding to try this out. You can see from https://wiki.logos.com/Logos_9_Beta_Release_Notes how quickly the betas normally get released to the main channel so you may prefer to wait.
https://wiki.logos.com/The_Logos_9_Beta_Program for more warnings, info, and how to get the beta.
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The problem recurred this morning and I have sent in logs to support, also attached/uploaded8546.LogosCrash-Swain.zip
Following is text in email to support with the logs
The following is in relation to bug reported in the forum: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/200528/1164940.aspx#1164940
The crash happened again this morning and I captured logs as directed (attached).
The steps this morning:
- Opened Logos according to steps enabling the logging.
- Moved Logos to LH monitor & maximised window
- Opened home page
- Clicked on reading plan which opened my Bible Reading Plan custom layout
- In the main window translations, commentaries, etc. appeared in panes as per my layout. (LH monitor)
- RH monitor Atlas window appeared briefly, then Timeline window over the top, Timeline Window filled with content as expected in seconds.
- RH monitor Atlas window superimposed over Timeline window, no content, ‘hung’ for 10 to 20 seconds then all windows just closed.
My impression (noting that the Atlas uses Open Street Maps) is that somehow poor internet connection at the time contributes to the untidy exit. Note also that it has happened on my laptop (i.e. different device) when in hotel room with Wi-Fi connection that can be slow.
The crash is not daily: It has occurred perhaps a dozen times this year. I think this is first time it has happened on consecutive days.
Can’t recall any other observations on behaviour.
David Swain,
Western Australia0 -
I had an intermittent problem for several years with Logos crashing due to the Atlas, and eventually got fed up and removed it from my layout.
https://community.logos.com/forums/t/179594.aspx is an old thread I posted about it.
Since the beta I have mentioned has been released, I have added the Atlas back to my layout, and have so far not had a crash. You have the same error in your logs that I had, so hopefully this is what they have fixed, and the problem will also be resolved for you when it hits the main channel.