Verbum 9 Tip 8v: Faceted interactives: Bible Book Explorer part 1

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,814
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1Verbum 9 part 2Verbum 9 part 3Verbum 9 part 4Verbum 9 part 5Verbum 9 part 6How to use the Verbum Lectionary and MissalVerbum 8 tips 1-30Verbum 8 tips 31-49

Reading lists: Catholic Bible Interpretation

Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.

Previous post: Verbum Tip 8u  Next post: Verbum Tip 8w

Bible books browser: books

P6-1 Bible Books Doc

Note: there is no single glossary to provide definitions for the facet values in this resource or this view.

The facets appear in a sliding panel that partially covers the results when open.:

  • A << in the upper left allows one to slide the panel open or closed
  • The facets my be shown in either count or alphabetic order; there is no search function
  • The facet categories do not expand or contract; the “more” option is used for long lists
  • Available facet categories:
    • Kind
    • Genre
    • Corpus
    • Author
    • Recipients
    • Language
    • Biblical era
    • Key people
    • Key places

P6-2 Book Facets

The data shown is the Longacre genre data. Mouse over has a popup that distinguishes the meaning of the two subgroups under the major genre. Unfortunately, it is coded in a way that doesn’t allow capturing in the screenshot.

From Longacre Genre Analysis of the Bible Dataset Documentation: [quote]

•  Narrative

•  Story

•  Future events

•  Procedural

•  How it was done

•  How to do it

•  Behavioral

•  Evaluation

•  Hortatory

•  Expository

•  What things are or were like

•  What things will be like[1]

The eight colors of the chart represent these search queries:
  • {Section <LongacreGenre = Narr: Story>}
  • {Section <LongacreGenre = Narr: Future>}
  • {Section <LongacreGenre = Proc: How done>}
  • {Section <LongacreGenre = Proc: How to>}
  • {Section <LongacreGenre = Behav: Eval>}
  • {Section <LongacreGenre = Behav: Hort>}
  • {Section <LongacreGenre = Expos: What were>}
  • {Section <LongacreGenre = Expos: What will be>}

Note the screenshot for the data also shows the six available sort orders.

P6-3 Books Data

The default display:

P6-4 Default Books View

Mouse over the book in the display provides the following data:

  • Book name
    • Number of chapters
    • Number of verses
    • Number of words
    • Genre for the colored layer
      • Percent the genre represents of the entire book

Clicking on the book opens an information page.

P6-5 Data Sheet 1
P6-6 Data Sheet 2

Note that the text in blue are links to resources and tools withing Verbum.

An example of use: Moses as author

Selecting Moses under the author facet one gets:

P6-7 Author Moses

The first five books are traditional associated with Moses as author although this is not the critical opinion. I have heard of Job attributed to Moses but the Psalms? I must assume that what is meant is that there is one or more psalms associated with Moses. This is quickly confirmed by the Psalm Explorer:

P6-8 Psalm Explorer Moses

An example of use: Historical fiction

Selecting historical fiction under kind one gets:

P6-9 Historical Fictions

Based on Senior, Donald, John J. Collins, and Mary Ann Getty, eds. The Catholic Study Bible, 2nd Ed.: Notes. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011 I would expect to see Esther included in the group. I find no way to adjust groupings that fail to meet the users’ definitions. The obvious solution is to seek the Verbum definition which is aligned with Factbook usage.

Unfortunately, I can find nothing resembling a definition, rather simply a list repeating the assertion that these books constitute historical fiction.

P6-10 Lists

Note also that two major categories I would expect to see (Deuteronomistic history and Chronicler’s history) that are not offered.

An example of use: John as author

Johannine as a subkind contains only four books, omitting Revelation. Selecting John in the author column produces the full list of five books.  Sorting these by number of verse, gives one a quick view of the genres rarely used by John as well as the relative length of his five books.

P6-11 John Author

In this case, the values that remain in the Recipients facet illustrates the detail available paralleling the detail of Moses as an author of a psalm.

P6-12 John Recipients

Example of the genre of Narrative: Future Events in the Biblical era of Fall of Judah

One masters tools such as this by setting aside time to “play” with it – please explore.

P6-13 Prophets

Two additional items:

  1. The opening of the Concordance in the datasheet opens the tool, the user still needs to run it against an appropriate resource.
  2. I haven’t found the expected link(s) to Factbook.

[1] Jeremy Thompson, Longacre Genre Analysis of the Bible Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2016).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
