Verbum 9 Tip 8y: Faceted interactives: Bible Book Explorer part 4

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Reading lists: Catholic Bible Interpretation
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Bible books browser: stats and list
Sample pages
Note that all five views of the Bible Book Explorer retain the same facets:
- Testament (Old, New, Apocrypha/Deuterocanon)
- Kind (Church epistle, history, minor prophets, wisdom . . .)
- Subkind (Pauline, General letters, Johannine, Major letters. . .)
- Genre (Longacre’s)
- Corpus (Vulgate, Catholic, Protestant (66 book), Septuagint. . .)
- Authors (traditional)
- Recipients
- Language
- Biblical era (Paul’s missions, Hellenistic period, Decline of Judah . . .)
The top portion of the stats view is a scatter chart showing lemma or roots across textual units. The textual units available are:
- Chapters
- Verses
- Word
The available counts to graph are:
- Lemmas
- Roots
- Lemmas used once in book
- Lemmas used once in corpus
- Lemmas used only in book
- Roots used once in book
- Roots used once in corpus
- Roots used only in book
This information is unique to this source. With a bit of effort one can replicate the data through the use of the Concordance Tool.
Mouse over a point in the chart shows:
- Book name
- Kind
- Numbers charted (both vertical and horizontal axes).
Clicking on the dot, opens the information sheet:
Pay special attention to the source of the statistics. They will not be accurate when used against another text. Note the link to the Concordance Tool as well as the basic counts used for the scatter chart.
The list view shares some of its data with the data sheet as shown above. Many of the entries are links.
- Title links to the data sheet.
- Theme appears to be unpopulated – either a bug or incomplete data.
- Authors, key people, key place, key things link to Factbook.
- Key verse links to the high priority Bible containing the passage.
The best source for verifying data is probably the Bible books supplemental dataset.
From Verbum Help:[quote]
Bible Books Supplemental Dataset
The Bible Books Supplemental Dataset delivers several labels. These labels are applied to books throughout the library, and are used to populate the Bible Book Guides section in the Factbook.
• Additional Information — Populates the See Also section.
• Background — Situation, social & historical context of the book.
• Canon — Canonicity (reception throughout church history), historicity, and authenticity of the book.
• Content — Is high-level discussions of the material in the book.
• Form — Is unity, composition, style, and structure of the book.
• Meaning — Is theme, emphasis, interpretation, theology, and message of the book.
• Objects — Is geography and key figures.
• Origin — Is authorship, date, and purpose.
These labels all support two properties:
• Reference ~ <Bible ...> — Bible data type reference specifying the Bible book under discussion.
• Subcategory ~ <BookGuideComment ...> — Is the Bible Book category and sub-category that the text belongs to.
For example:
• {Label Origin WHERE Reference ~ <Bible Deuteronomy>}
• {Label Meaning WHERE Reference ~ <Bible Php>}[1]
While there is visibility of a new labeling structure for this data, it remains undocumented and contains coded data for which values are unknown. An example: {Label BookGuide WHERE Comment ~ <BookGuideComment Book Guide Comment 10 130> AND Reference ~ <Bible nnnn>}
[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."