Bug de cópia/impressão

Alexandre Augusto De Oliveira
Alexandre Augusto De Oliveira Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Bom dia,

Quando quero copiar um texto para o word, no Guia Exegético, Estudo de palavra por palavra, faço o seguinte procedimento no programa logos 9 para Windows:

Aperto Control + P, abre a página de impressão e clico em Enviar para Word, ou copiar para a area de trabalho, mas qualquer uma que clico, o logos está sendo desligado.

Ontem desinstalei o Logos e ao instalar novamente funcionou. Mas hoje ao usar novamente parou de funcionar. 



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523


    I think that you are saying that the application crashes (or closes) when you try to print "in the Exegetical Guide, Word-for-Word Study." Is that right? I also believe that you said that you tried to reinstall the application but did not have success in fixing the issue. 

    Deleting and reinstalling the app (by itself) is seldom a fix on desktop (windows or Mac). If there is a corrupted DB file, it remains in place. If there is a bug in the software, you would just be downloading the same bug again. 

    Other windows users can try to replicate your issue. Normally logs would be requested of you, and they may still want to see them. My signature line has a link to directions.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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